straight edge level

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JUst a quickie lads when dot and dabbing

do you just use featheredge and check for plumb with a spirit level or do you use those straight edges with levels built in for tapping the boards and checking for plumb at same time. Like the look of them but there about £35 ???

Also what size of sprit level is best for general plasterbaording??
I use the chunky refina 6ft tamper for blatting the boards with some force and have a 6ft box level for checking things which is indispensible with stuff like plumbing micromesh beads, cutting boards, external pvc beads etc. as well.
I use the Refina 2.5, 2.0 & 1.0 m Box sections too, plus a 2 m level. IMO, if you bash (french word) out of a straight edge with a level built in, it won't be a true level for very long. I use a 1.2m T square for cutting along. If you use a level, you'll soon bugger up the edge with your stanley knife.
stick to the box section/screeding edges like tony says mate and get a little scaffolders level
Mate if you drop or bang a level unless its a real good quality one its a s good as f**k*d.
Imo if you spend only £35 on a staright edge with built in level you might as well just bya straight edge becuse within a 2 days it will be of no use apart from using as a edge.
strieght or feather edge good quality boat level, can hold both in one hand, tap board or bead with foot or other hand to get plumb
i use my box edges like for screeding. have a range of them from 1m up to 3m. same withe my levels have a set that go from a1m to 3m. tap my boads with the box edges and check my internals with the levels. normaly use my 2.4m but if im in houses i tend to use them all theres that many different walls in houses.
i use a feather edge straight edge, rarely plumb walls up apart from bathrooms, check with your level and put against your feather edge and bang the straight edge and check again simple.
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