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started a job the other day with 3m heigh ceilings........ didnt even cross my mind that my stilts may not reach... they did reach, but it was hard work. i perefer it so my head is a hand width away from the ceiling. what size stilts do u lads use also thinking about getting those skywalker 2 are they really worth it.
i've got 18"-30" stilts, £70 off ebay. nice and light and a third of the price of durastilts, not had any problems with them and i've had them 4 years now and i've given them stick believe me.
There are loads of accidents every day as people go to work in their vans, perhaps we should all be made to use public transport. ???
essexandy said:
There are loads of accidents every day as people go to work in their vans, perhaps we should all be made to use public transport. ???
Quite right just because you have to wear a seat belt dont meant your going to crash.Site work is gettin sh1t now
Where do you get those sur-mag stilts from? I can only find one company in this country and they are sold out of the size I'm interested in.
Cheers Monk they're the firm that are out of the ones I'm thinking of getting (24-40in), being a short arse I've been coming across a few jobs lately where my normal stilts aren't high enough. Have any of you worked on your stilts opened out to that height? I'm a bit unsure of it to be honest :-\
it doesnt matter how far you fall mate it still hurts .........carobyn might be able to do a deal after all the free advertising he's had ::)
thats where ive just bought mine from the new re-vamped stilt with the clamsheel leg band quick release straps an new footplate with new straps they are nice an lightweight an comfy bit dear but worth it in my eyes i love em
i fell off my stilts and managed to knock over a 5 gallon bucket of water.... while plastering some one's bedroom... ha :o. i folded the tarps up and chucked them out the window. and there was a small wet patch on the carpet i was so lucky. :D
I use both stilts and planks,i prefer planks personally.But on clear houses / rooms always use the stilts for speed (domestic work) no site work for me!!.
Over the years ive NEVER come off the stilts but had several accidents from the planks 2 nasty ones.
I once witnessed by dad fall onto his trowel from planks and received a 6" cut along his wrist that needed stitches he also broke the wrist too.
The thing is when ur on stilts you know you gotta be carefull and you always got this on your mind, so your cautious!!!! but off planks you think your invinsable,and when your walking backwards not looking what off and in pain!!!.
The other thing with planks is you take chances, instead of building a safe H platform u'll just lay 4-5 planks across hopups bricks /whatever and lean across to meet run.This is how you get hurt.
At the end of the day you gonna fall the same height be it stilts or planks.
banning stilts aint gonna stop accidents trust me
Definetly the higher ur on them stilts the more uncomfortable you feel.They just dont feeel as stable and it feels like your higher than you are.
i could point a chimney up from a ladder and be comfortable there for most the day,but once im past 60cm high on stilts im not too happy.
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