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These have got to be worth a go!!!
by far the best stilts ever to be made are marshall town skywalker 2s such a long way to...price from ireland or ates around 160 delivewred.......i have short ones and large set........they are the bomb.......have a spring near the toe and feel more like leg action than spring in leg type ie skywalker 1's, where fatigue will be more than an issue than in the 2's
CKJ said:
These have got to be worth a go!!!

jesus!! £45!! bought my marshalltowns 3yrs ago for £260, didn't have any cheap alternatives then... i feel sick ;D
steve i had a visit from h+s and apparently as long as there in youre assesment and the floors clean there ok
gaz i would 100% go for the cheapos and see how you get on , some people like m/town 2's others detest them plus you may not get use them as much as you think mate
gaz probably thr best thing to do is try them mate either on site or in a decent builders centre .......theres two main types (not inc a bucket and some string) they feel completely different mate but have good things going for each the m/town 2's are comfy around the calf and easy to get on and off and adjust .......i hate the action of the 2's though durastilt/original m/towns feel alot more natural imo
I have Durastilts and they are great. I bought them off a plasterer who wore them once, crapped his pants and put them in the garage for a couple of years. Don't buy cheap Chinese rubbish. They only take an hour or so to get used to and save so much time.
Don't buy cheap Chinese rubbish.
Every things made in china, they're probably made at the same place marshall town and durastil manufacture theirs!!!
i got skywalker 2.0....they are dont take long to get good on um..i used them on the top level 40" for the first time not to long ago was a bit funny but after a while it feels ok..the other day i went back to the lower setting it was so easy after trying the 40" i was running and jumping round the room in them! still need a lil more time on the top setting dow!
best stilts are sur stilts mag 2's ive used dura + skywalker 2's but the mags beat both i been using stilts for 22 years and these are the best available from
about 200 quid but worth it or you can buy a clam shell conversion kit for durastilts off
you can now buy gorrilla straps for your normal stilts on all they look the nuts
what is it they have that make them better than the rest..iv not long got my m/t 2.0...did i buy the wrong ones! i went on looks lol they kust look cool.
I had a go on a pair of the new MT stilts and didn't feel that safe compared to my Durastilts. Has to do with there only being one spring / pivotal point at the foot.
well im as happy as larry with me mashtown 2's......i liked the foot suspension found that i had less leg fatigue.....but to each their own, but I have never tried sur mags........
gary are the sur mags lighter than the mash 2's?... money i dont want gordon to have sooo....may well have to purchase another will make 3 pairs........nice one fella.... ;D...
TonyM said:
Those Sur stilts are the bollox. The boys from Wetndrywall use them themselves.

We certainly do, thanks for the plug ;)

We sell them for £283.54 plus VAT, but they really are the dogs bollox. We sell Marshaltown's too but our boys prefer the Sur's. Import them in from America for you, need to pre-pay but shipping out is free. Give us a call if you're still interested. 0117 9555300.
prices had to go up when the dollar exchange rate dropped, seeing as we get them in from America. the economic situation is a right pain, but we had to do it unfortunately.
church said:
just another gimmick thats helps keep prices shite and fooks up your body quicker.
And puts extra pennies in your pocket and saves you kicking a crate around all day.
yeah i have try them just not for me , maybe twenty years ago , just like work off spit ends and fully decked out its to late to save me I'm just a dinosaur .
i love stilts..just dont like falling off em......i once took out the spot board which was fully loaded at the time.....i had to laugh rolling around in muck
phippsy333 said:
i love stilts..just dont like falling off em......i once took out the spot board which was fully loaded at the time.....i had to laugh rolling around in muck
lol thats the sorta thing ill end up doing one day..iv only used my'n bout 20x but iv had a few close calls...
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