When i first got mine, i spent a morning walking up and down my hallway (wall each side!) till i felt confident, use em for every ceiling i do now, (and amusing my 3 yr old daughter) stick with it and it'll be second nature in no time.
havnt fallen off mine yet touch wood, but if you do throw your trowel and hawk away from you, you never know how you gona land, also beaware of tarp and dont stand with your legs to close together better balance. and dont drink strongbow while on them
nice 1 will try..feel better on um allready..cant use um 2 day as the celing is a funny angle and i will need 2 go high and low and there is a low steel in the way!
u know what? its a shame you cant rent em cos id never use em, well maybe about the same amount of use as an ali tower and how often do you need one of those?? thing is i just copped a load of 3m cielings and theyd be bloody handy for them, 1st 3m ceilings ive had in over 2 years though...
im gettin some marshalltown stilts in the next fortnight .. my mates gettin them for me from the states , $189... thats £90 ... this is gonna sound really stupid but ive been thinkin , how do i get my stuff out of my bucket ? . will i need a spot and stand ? ..
nice idea that...like that...yup..gold star....
in fact...go stick it in tips and tricks minty cos if i move it no one will know what your on about...
or get dp to move it with a note or something...i cant really work anything except the delete button...
well lets put it this way, those that know, do, or have done, or know someone that does/has/did...
those that dont would prolly be offended/upset/disgusted to be reading it where they least expect it...
those that wouldnt be offended/upset etc shouldnt really be takin it as a tip...
so ill just leave it to your imagination, im pretty sure its workin quite well at the mo
i reckon its that get lads together and they talk work...its just like bein down the pub without payin pub prices innit...
get girls together and they talk washin powder...
which gives me an idea...how do you go about settin up a forum danny??? just thinkin 'the housewife forum'...
now then....'ways to get shitfaced for next to nothin'...
2 litres of white lightning/any old cheap battery acid...
2 litres of fresh orange...
50/50 you got a poor mans bucks fizz....
tastes nice, even the missus will love it, but BY GOD does it get you p'ssed....
i can't do it as soon as im through the door i have a can a sh*t and run the bath, it's my chill out time , then come downstairs and get jumped by the kids
that first ones a mare though cause then i'll stay on it ..........i blame it on the dusty work environment :
gonna take the 6 year old to watch that...looks brill..course its a great excuse to look like im doin stuff for the kids....
god i feel so incomuseless...
Yeah its a quality film pixar films usually are, but gotta put up with the kids saying wall-e wall-e wall-e all the time till something else distracts them ;D
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