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Hello guys,

Just been toying with the idea of getting some stilts, instead of kicking the hell out of my crate! Anyone used them before? What are they like to work with? Can you change the height of them, either bit higher or lower for different ceilings?

Cheers chaps!

Being 6foot 4 I never needed stilts, but spose if your 3 foot nothing then maybe it would be a good idea.

Also they are banned on site and you will need a taller spot board stand.

just bought some. aint got a ceilin to do til 6th aug but I been walking round n round the garden in em!!!
Neighbours think I'm a new circus act! I'm 6' 4" too and find I need that little bit xtra (my girlfriend sez so does she but I don't know what she means) mine are small going from 15" to 23" which would put the top of my head at 7' 7" - 8' 3"!!!!!

I'll let you know how I get on. M planning to get labourer to follow me round filling my hawk.
See cause i'm such a short arse I thought they might come in useful, but I went and brought a platform. Mainly because i've been told you cant use them on site, also comes in handy when im decorating too.

Do like the idea of a labourer loading up your hawk!! ;D
got a platform too. Saw a vid on you tube of a mad irishman over stairs on plank on stilts!!!!
not sure abt this stilt business meself lads?? you tread in a spot of plaster u gonna be ass over tip on em!! :-[
Just got in from ceiling. 30m and it was v hot. Running round like loon.
Stilts were fantastic. After shaky 10 mins was like they weren't there. Have to say finish was one of the best I've done and on a fairly big one too. Thnk cos I could just access anywhere instantly and had view of light from window across it.
Was wearing shorts and straps chaffed a bit just under my knees. Gonna get some of those knee support cos I usually wear shorts any way.
My stilts are from Stavrow Stilts £110 and recommend em.
Big thumbs up from me. Not sure if we can post pics here but I've got some if anyone interested.
Hi, my first post , thought i'd say hello, i have been using stilts for about 15 years now and would be lost without them. They are a god send, glad to hear your ceiling went well with your stilts DP, did you find that you could do a bigger stretch with them i find an average sized cieling can be done from wall to middle and then come the other way so done in two stretches about a 8 ft pull but must admit can be very daugnting when you first get on them. Just one bit of advice - don't ever drop your brush cause its a long way down lol
hi fellow spreads ive had stilts for years now and wouldnt be without them .one tip if your just starting with stilts is to tie amattress on your back that way when you fall off it doesnt hurt to much .ha ha no seriosly try doing a couple of small cielings first hugging the walls best you can .remember my 1st cieling with them total disaster builder was having a right laugh good job he new me other wise i think i would have bin kicked off job
Hello Sore Elbow,

Welcome to the forum

Another short plasterer :P

Hope you find the forum useful

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