Standard Ritmo with UP210

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Used this today and found it was ok. I had 15mts of pipe on and was shitttting myself in case it was too heavy but fair do's the ritmo just carried on.
Tommorow i'm gonna spray a pass on mesh it, then another pass and rule it, then use my Filzomat to float it all up and then spray a 2mm mineral topcoat over it all in the same day.
I hope it all goes well. i may vvvv video it
I was a bit worried after reading your struggles but i found it ok. I started of quite wet and turned the speed up a bit to get a better mix. It seems to gel up to take a bit of thickness.
Hope i dont fukk up tomozz
spray a pass and bed in before touching it with a derby, and continue with this for a bit, then go back over it when its picked up and rule that flat.
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