Spraying Ecorend?

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Anybody had any problems spraying ecorend. Having trouble with it. Machine seems to spray it fine for a bit then sort goes thick, thin and labours the machine. Quicker than a worn rotor and stator, up and down every 5-10 seconds. If we detach the hose and clean hopper out into tub, then reconnect everything is fine for a bit(5 odd metres or so) then same thing happens again. Any ideas chaps. Is this stuff a bit like krend to spray? Oh and water setting on the xl is up at 600, any lower and its too stiff to rule(pressure is 1 bar to 1m at this setting) so I know were not far off but somethings amiss ???
wetherby do it under a separate name called La Roc. I think it's krend except with some recycled glass in it and in pretty green bags. Prefer the finish though. I think les said he was part of testing it to bring to market.

Yeah ian we're in 3 phase, we sprayed this on our first outing with the new machine and had same problem. We had some staff issues on that day and Les reckons we bridged the chamber and caused the material not to flow down properly......that made perfect sense and put it down to that. We've since sprayed krend which went ok but the machine jammed solid at the end. Put that down to needing a d42 so ordered one, but not fitted yet as the d52 that came with the machine is good and not sprayed krend since. We sprayed parex couple of days ago and all fine, except machine jammed after spray when labourer jetted hopper to clean out and pump away but wouldn budge. Managed to free it up with reverse.

Les has explained in detail the startup procedure and we do it to the letter. It's mid spray or end of spray that things seem to happen.

Maybe it's an intermittent water pump problem as it seems to go like dry weetabix which seriously labours the machine then ten seconds later it's back wet again, then dry.
same i think 3 phase is 400 and single is 200 as standard? interesting to note that 3 phase is quicker as well as more powerful which you don't really think about.
Try the D4/2 for the next spray and connect the pipe to the water tap to empty it. There are materials around that do not like being doused with water and will segregate.
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