spray plastering

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Are the projection plastering courses worth the money is there work out there?

ive watched mono being sprayed and it looks easy enough (or am i being nieve) espacially after me an my mate have just hand applied 100m2

these guys are puttin 300m2 without breaking a sweat

the thing i dont have a clue about is setting the machine up water/air pressures consistancy of mix that kind of stuff
napper ive hardly sprayed anything but if i were to do it i'd get into a course that teaches you how to look after the machine .......ive heard of them having probs and then were all fooked cause the gears going off and theres loads of gear in a machine thatll kill it it ;D............which one do you save aaaaaaaaaaargh ;D
Ill go along with that you need to know how to use the machine and look after it, not how to rule and finish we can all do that.
thats what im looking for really info on setting up the machine and cleaning, also any of you done any internal spray finish coats on to boards i mean not mp75 etc
naz, is that the knauf stuff? do u just get it flat as the other lad is sprayin then give it 2 or 3 more trowels once its started takin up

What prices are you getting a mtr?, do u get payed for masking windows?
nap theres f+++++++ck all too it mate, once its sprayed you still have too rule and finish it so if your a spread no probs, machine is a peice off piss, coupe off day's sorted mate if you got a bit upstairs
nice one warrior just been watchin a few vids on settin the machine up just take it easy the first couple of days to get into it
Ive sprayed k-rend plenty of times its good fun and a doddle once the machine is set up right,problem is As I usually take on smaller jobs 5 houses and less its not worth me buying a machine.

go for the course you can never have to many strings to your bow

Rich B
napper we take turns mate 1 day ill spray and the next ill flatten with a spat then trowel up as normal, yeah its the knauf stuff, we have sprayed bg but i prefer knauf stuff, at the mo we r getting £4 mtr labour only. we mask up in between jobs but to be honest u really dont need to mask up much. if ur close to saltash in cornwall the week after next then ur more than welcome to come have a look and a go, or next week we are spraying render in camelford. u got to get in to it coz its so much easier, we spray no matter how small a job
the first thing with a machine is getting the material throught the rotor and stator allways run it wet then adjust it make sure your hoses are primed use wallpaper paste and when it comes out of hose then put your gun on this will save you a lot of hassle there are people on here who will say you dont need to do all that but beleive me you wont get a block no matter what stuff you are using plus you just walk the paste down the pipe back into it container using hardwall i usually spray at about 700 on the water flow meter [depending on the rotor and stator] mono can be anything from 300 to 400 it all depends on the r +s a new r+s operates at a higher water value so when its worn a bit this comes down as long as you let the material come out the bottom of the mixing tube first wet you wont go wrong make sure your air pipes are clean especially the one that joins the gun otherwise you can back fill the hopper with water then your f**k*d because the starwheel wont turn and run it of a barrel incase some prick turns the water supply off
nice one lads been told its pft ritmo machine seen a couple of vids on setting them up will just av to be a couple of days getting used to it.

how much are u getting on in one spread naz?
keep ur barrel covered 2 coz other wize some fu***r will wash there kit off in ur nice clean water
well at the mo we are getting on between 70-80 mtrs in 1 set and these are the awkward bits and just 2 of us but when we do nice straight forward rooms we can do up 120 mtrs in one set and we do 2 sets a day and home by 4
nice one naz if i was a bit closer id av come n give a days labour to watch like but im in liverpool just av to get used to it as we go i let u know how i get on next week anyway
it will be fine mate, its all to do with getting to know the machine inside and out the rest is just what we do anyway. good luck mate
alright napper if you have'nt found out about air and water pressure for machines water should be set at around 700 mark for most internal one coat plasters.700 will make the mix slightly runny but easy to rule off and give you more time to work it, obviously knock the water down if this doe'snt suit.most sray render's should be set at the three hundred mark,don't let the water drop below 200 as this can block the pipes also before you spray anything always run clean water though the pipes so you know they are lubricated and free of anything laying in the pipe that can cause a block.air pressure doe'snt need setting on most machines,i ve been using machines for the last 16 year's in germany and spain and think they are the dogs bolocks. cheers
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