Spray or splash??

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Hey everyone
I helped out a friend of the family who is a plasterer and he uses a spray bottle! i was taught to use a water brush and splash water on my plaster, just wondered what everyone does and is there much difference in it???
Hi Basher this is one of those subjects that crop up regularly and it's a matter of choice and what you're used to.
Personally, I use a brush to flick water onto a wall but admit that sometimes I get too much water on the wall but I find it easier. I use a spray on ceilings cos its more precise and as such less on the floor.

Having said that sometimes if the plaster demands it I'l use the spray and just spray my trowel.

I think It's whatever you are happy with but only use enough water to lubricate your trwoel across the wall.

That's what I think anyway.
i always use a spray the main reason for this is that tsi is always clean water, i know loads of spreads who use a brush to flick water on with but more often than not it is with dirty water which is not good.
Good point never thought of that but then it's never caused me a problem.
I always use a spray bottle. It seems to give a better finish visually (no watermarks etc) which keeps the customer happy. It's also less messy and you don't have to keep getting off you hop-up or returning to the bucket to wet your brush. I don't even brush in corners anymore as find that spraying the corner and using my trowel gives a better result. I will sometimes use a 1" brush after a using an internal corner trowel just to tidy things up when doing adjacent walls.

As for the dirty water aspect of using a brush, I don't suppose it really matters once you get to the final trowel? :)
i find a spray bottle come into its own when you have to wet in a ceiling line or mist spray lime work
i use a sray bottle 1 of those pump up ones cos like gps says its cleaner its also tydier n a find it doesnt soak the wall as much but a try not to use water if a can to be honest hate watermarks
ive only recently started usin a spray, but i still use a brush 1st hit to clean up the corners as im flattenin off...after that its just a fine mist out the bottle just to lubricate the trowel...im gettin quite attached to the little fella...still tryin to think up a name for him though..
too much of a gobful...too obvious..
best i ever seen was on here..simon the trowel..as in simon trowel...(cowel)
thought about cytharea...
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