spot boards

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if you get the toolstation catalog you can get 2 metal trestels for 15quid the number is 08081007211 its got loads of other plastering tools aswell ;)
i made my largest stand out of some scrap timber looks and worx gr8 and me smaller board i bought a cheap workmate bout £7 and screwed me board to that even cheaper than ebay ;D
nothin wrong with a cheapy workmate,clamped in by a baton counterscrewed into your board.when the board starts lookin like a mushroom,screw the baton on the other side.dont even need the baton really.....just nothin wrong with cheapy workmates!!someone mentioned £7.99,which i know i have seen somewhere myself,but is this the cheapest??????
nothin wrong with a cheapy workmate,clamped in by a baton counterscrewed into your board.when the board starts lookin like a mushroom,screw the baton on the other side.dont even need the baton really.....just nothin wrong with cheapy workmates!!someone mentioned £7.99,which i know i have seen somewhere myself,but is this the cheapest??????
sorry justone mentioned 7 quid,do draper or trago make one.......or maybe pooondstretcher??
except for workmates are more bulkier heavier and dont look as profesional but its just personal choice i suppose.
b@q had em for a fiver a little while back and if u think they r heavy id hate to see you lift a full bucket of mix ;D
If i had known i would have bought a stand here then just got some wood cut to size alot cheaper than toolstation.

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trust me ebay is cheaper for tha same product, why pay more?

and my overalls come from FCUK!!!
I think that's it anyway

I use a workmate I've had for years and a bit of off cut MDF I got from B&Q for £1
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