Sponge float on finish??

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New Member
I recently watched one of the Goldtrowel DVDs on perfect skimming procedures, and after applying the second coat of finish they went over it with a sponge float, I didn't understand the explanation for this, anybody know? They flattened it in again after to get rid of the lines left by the sponge float but what's the reason for this?
maybe theyve had an influx of eastern europeans booking their courses?
does it not say on the bag something like 'exessive water should not be used' ..' very little water and only in the latter stages of trowelling'?
the worst ive honestly ever done is use the big hairy wet brush along the skirt line where i have a tendency to lay it on a bit thinner just to get it back a bit on a big set..

well... alright then maybe ive flicked a load at a wall that caught me out before but ive honestly never used a sponge on skimming in my life? its all just gonna turn to fat surely?

is it not a hundred times better to just lean on it a bit harder and when you do pick a bit up, as long as you havent wet it up it'll fill any hollows first swipe?

was it the 'budget' dvd? ???
Priceless ;D I rest my case about these clowns.
And there was griff not so long ago laying into me for calling them that, a clown trained by clowns, get in ;D
so gold trowel no good? was ganna book a course in rendering to help me understand it all more..
it is totally pointless using a spongefloat it is something the eu prats do because they are used to onecoat plasters you can use a skimming float to scour your setting which will give you a very flat finish :'(
I have read lots of posts on sponge floating on this site. To be totally honest I have never even

seen a sponge float and would have no idea how to use one. What does it do to the plaster

and why do the EU's feel the need.
sponge floats were designed in combination with one coat plasters to bring the fat up cos this struff like a drink not on gypsum board finish which is low suction these prats who use sponges do my head right in nobs
oasis dont bother with the course mate there all crap .......youll get given lime mortar to use with no cement and youll be rubbing up when its soaking wet .......you wont be able to learn sparring in a week .....and theres hardly any call for pargetting ........just learn off someone else mate even for free its better than paying some prick for the honour
Hi all

I did 2 week course with goldtrowel and not once did they use or tell me to use a sponge float for skimming. I have also viewed the perfect skimming techniques which centres on skimming a ceiling and there is no point in the dvd that shows a sponge float. Are we looking at the same DVD??

Not sticking up for goldtrowel just telling you what they teach and sponge flaots on skim is not one of the things they teach.
maybe if you posted something without the word 'goldtrowel' in it windy you might become a bit more credible.. ;D
windy said:
Hi all

I did 2 week course with goldtrowel and not once did they use or tell me to use a sponge float for skimming. I have also viewed the perfect skimming techniques which centres on skimming a ceiling and there is no point in the dvd that shows a sponge float. Are we looking at the same DVD??

Not sticking up for goldtrowel just telling you what they teach and sponge flaots on skim is not one of the things they teach.

Perfect Skimming part 2 matey, even tells you about it on their website.
Mr spunk next time Ur rendering give me a shout and ill were your winter hat and get the Mrs 2 knock up some jam sandwiches.
will do mate ;) i dont do loads but will take up youre offer of free labour and a go on youre missus :)
your more than welcome most are i got loads of kids but we never DO it.. funny? as so are women meant to taste of cock all the time?
there animals mate they open their legs let you in then clamp them shut when theyve got what they want
its worth noting lads that golden trowel shut down ebuild forum when it was in its prime threatening legal action and also threatened uk spreads when they were badmouthed, bb is watching
He is right lads be careful what you say OPENLY on the forum, now if some one was to invent a secret word for Greasy T***s and pm it to every body we could talk in code about em and they would never know mmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was my dastardly laugh by the way (jees i gotta get out more) ;) ;)
My name is Paul..............and i am a computer nerd....................Round off applause .....................wow i feel so much better ::) ::) ::) ::)
windy said:
Hi all

I did 2 week course with goldtrowel and not once did they use or tell me to use a sponge float for skimming. I have also viewed the perfect skimming techniques which centres on skimming a ceiling and there is no point in the dvd that shows a sponge float. Are we looking at the same DVD??

Not sticking up for goldtrowel just telling you what they teach and sponge flaots on skim is not one of the things they teach.
Straight up mate. The dvd is called 'Perfect Skimming procedures methods and techniques, part 2'
grand wizard said:
it is totally pointless using a spongefloat it is something the eu prats do because they are used to onecoat plasters you can use a skimming float to scour your setting which will give you a very flat finish :'(
This ain't an answer wiz, Why are they using a sponge float on multi-finish?
have been reading this thread and found the golden trowel sponge float method.what the guy actually says is that it is one method of balancing and blending in the first coat.but not the prefered method.if you actually watch it you will see that he is not wetting the sponge float so is not bringing fats to the surface,he is for all intense and purpose using it as he says to balance out the finish.prior to second coat.so what is the answer you are looking for as he is telling you the reason that its been done.less you have it on mute.
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