spiral staircase

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New Member
hi everyone.

i may have a job coming up, 15 ceilings. which is fine, but one of them is a spiral staircase ceiling conncting two landings.

having never done one before im a little confused as to how to do it.

is there a method and whats the correct trowel to use, im guessing a smaller one would be handy for this job?
ive got a similar one coming up...
curves all over the place...
im just gonna use an 11" trowel, get it somewhere near on finish and run a sander over it when its dry..luckily its only about 3 square..
i have done few of these now as i do wrk for a lofo con company after you have done the bonding/hardwall what ever you use ,lay the finish on as best you can then use a nice clean wet brush and keep going over it eventally it looks pretty good ,trowel as much of it as you can then like bigsegs said sand it down when finished and dry..if you try to use a trowel all over it wont work you end up digging the corner of the trowl and fooking it up..
thanks for that guys.

just got to convince the punter that sanding it down after is the way to do it :-?
easy way is let someone else do it then charge em 50 quid a metre to sand it! ;D
Dont mention to the customer you will need to sand it :o use eml, first coat pricking up coat, second coat scratch then float, Use carlite bonding, there used to be eml plaster but its gone out of production. use a sponge to form the curves and rub up with your float the flat bit and scratch with your knife to provide a key for your finish. apply the finish using the foot or the heel of the trowel in the awkward bits, same again use a sponge to smooth the finish and trowel as normal.
have you ever tried sanding finish :o trowel it up the best you can mate you need to use the toe in areas and sponge it on the dodgy areas just before it's gone off, but not too wet to leave marks
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