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Private Member
anyone know what its like to skim over? got a load left from a job an was thinkin of using it instead of hardwall on a a job i got coming up
it might pull in a tiny bit more mate but its not too noticeable..........ive had one job where it pulled in v quick but it could just be a bad batch of board
i know your suppose to dab over it but floated over some the other day took a while to go off on it so i guess it kills alot of the suction.
cheers roughas

spunky ya chancer ;)

never used it before today its fecking easy coin lashing it on ready for the stickers £3/mtr :D :D
1st coats scratch then 10mm beads then devil floated (all s/c and 10mm coats) then skim mate 3.5m high scartch and 3.2m high devil floated
if its real old bricks and silly suction i 2 coat render if thats the spec andy, i find on large jobs theres not a lot in it to run round and scratch one day, run round and have an easy day floating then skim it day after..
small jobs 2 passes same day.. still gotta be quick though..
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