soaking wet render

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evening guys been to see a job tonight render all over the floor .the house is only ten year old but its in a bad state its a smooth render 2 coat top coat has been done in white sand cement ,trouble is you can scratch through to 1st coat with your finger nails its very weak ,then when i went further took some of the 1st coat away it and the block work behind was soaking the whole house is like this do we think its just lack of waterproofer and to weak a mix or am i missing somthing any help /advice appreciated thanks paul
Strange one eh , hard to say without seeing it but if its as soft as you say then, maybe too weak a mix,as white cement is finer and not as strong as ordinary cement, why are the blocks so wet is there any evidence as to why , leaky gutters , fall pipes, pipes buried in the wall, built underwater etc , hard to tell without seeing , first thoughts are as you suspect though, some one been a bit tight with the expensive white cement (tight northern sod ) but could be a number off reasons
thanks for that big guy i think pour ratio with top coat but its the wet block and 1st coat even on a good day its wet this is a big house and as i said its all like this ive checked cavitys for any thing and nothing all vents are clear could this just be waterproofer?
Are the cavs insulated , any weepvents, might be delving too deep and it is just possibly lack of strength and waterproofer as any water proofing agent added rely's on the strengh of the cement to keep water out
im on the 4th level of scaffold and water is pissin out of blocks i thought to start with it was maybe wrong insulation in cavity but they arent insulated im stumped i really dont no, dont want to turn it down easily few months work
If waters pissin out the blocks as you say it is then surely he got a prob with the roof ??? if the felts rotten where it's supposed sit on the facia and run into the gutter and there' any cracked/missing tiles then it will just run down the inside of the cavity (if you get my meaning ) this being the case just get some of the plastic felt supports and slip em under the felt and tiles, that should cure that, if that,s the problem , or tell him to get a roofer in, could be overflows or other pipework in the loft space et etc (just clutchin at straws now mate sorry) ???
no but i will have a look tomorrow i really think its just very badly applied to weak and no wp some parts seem ok well hard anyway but still damp behind but im sure over time it will all end up on the floor. my problem now is which course of action to take????????
is it possible that it pizzed down hard and the roof was not on/ finished/ the same day it was rendered? is there any streak marks in the render?. sounds like the cavitys topped up with water. just guessing now :-\ just read warrior's post do agree, hack it off.
Are they Light weight blocks ? if they are that would explain the dusty sratch coat also i think white cement is stronger than opc it really needs to be 6-1-1 top coat at least .
do you really get that much water in a cavity?.......weird mate might be worth the customers getting a surveyor in
evening guys just to give you all an update ,today i hacked of the external chimney and it was wet ive never come across anything like this before ive been in the roof no sighn of damp, inside walls are dry the house has been built as a traditional up to first floor then a kit on the next two floors the render its self doesnt sound boss but comes off no bother the 1st coat is well bonded but is very wet behind i think a survey would be best just to back me up
Definitely get a surveyor to check it out sounds strange for the block work to be so wet unless the spreads had soaked the blocks and then first coated with a strong waterproofer that didn't let the water back out and with the cavity filled the water has nowhere to go, although this would probably have caused the render to fail and blow.
you never mentioned it was a chimney wall in your first posts , that probably would of made a lots of difference in the replies you have received
its a whole house i was told by warrior and co to check roof i did and i thought external chimney that has no roof wonder what its like smart ass ;D ;D
just another point.. just because the roof is showing no sign of damp thats not to say it isnt getting in up top...
did you check the felt support tray? or 'sarkin board' as the call it in some northern countries?
ive seen gallons of water collect where theres been no eaves felt support, its sagged like f'ck till its given up and dumped loads of water behind the gutter.. which just may happen to be behind the outside skin? worth a look..
Chris W said:
just another point.. just because the roof is showing no sign of damp thats not to say it isnt getting in up top...
did you check the felt support tray? or 'sarkin board' as the call it in some northern countries?
ive seen gallons of water collect where theres been no eaves felt support, its sagged like f'ck till its given up and dumped loads of water behind the gutter.. which just may happen to be behind the outside skin? worth a look..
Sure i already mentioned all this ???
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