SO what do you think then?

What Do you think to the new forum

  • Like the new layout

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • hate it

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • not bothered

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • find it tooo complicated

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
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its not tooooo different from the old layout, still a bit confusing for a technophobe like me but it shouldn't take long to get hang of it. get yourself to bed mate, yours supposed to be recovering!
Aye its good. I like change. Where's Talk about anything you like? I take it Public bar has replaced it? Smilies aren't as good though but i'm sure i'll get used to them.
yep I am meant to be recovering... but I cant stop tweeking and messing with this.

I have tried to keep the colours the same and so people know thats its still us... the logo is changing I have a designer on the case he goingt o come back with 3 or so designs and we we all have a vote....

The smilies are shite I agree I will delete the ones that dont work and upload some fresh cool ones

Overall I am pleased with the way its gone.... I will leave the other forum as it is for now so that members who are having problems can get help but after about a week I need to pull the site down and sort all the redirects out and then we start promoting and get rankings back and hopefully grow this community even bigger

I think once it's all been tweeked & everyone gets used to it it'll be great. :D
What about avatars?
And weblinks?
there was more wrong than you could shake a stick at... this will be a little strange until I finish getting every sorted when its done this software is mega powerful

I think its more to do with its a change nobody liked teh old forum when we out grew the one before.

This is a huge learning curve for me as well I have not slept in days..... every day we get closer.

not yet I cant find a viable solution really

But there are some options available coming soon... I working hard guys

i havent got to grips with it yet or found the smell check , still at least sprayit not here yet
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