slurry coat

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hello lads i ve been internal s/c floating for tiles at the mo and an extra was a wall that had been half painted the blockwork was standard concrete block
i didn't have any mesh so i gave it two coats of slurry p.v.a a tad of water and cement i had it timed so i could lay into it while it was tacky but the fork lift driver was busy so we handballed a barrow full in to give it a tight scratch coat so something would adhere to it while it was tacky
eventually about an hour i laid my second coat on and ruling left to right is a nightmare it all just sticks to the straight edge and drags it off the wall w/proofer was in both coats
anyway sorry about that this is my actual point ;D
when using sbr slurrys etc i also suffer from the same problem even just ruling up so i know some of you lads dont use waterproofer in the first coat but in the second do you think this is the way forward????
Hi mate your problem is a "key" thing i think ,pva sturry will have to dry were a sbr slurry will set when its on the wall ,covering pva with a tight render will only slow the drying time of the pva down cause of the water content in the render and at any real thickness you will struggle to rule it ,best put a tight coat on it and run a scratcher through it and leave it over night then put a tight float coat on it and rule.i always think eml is the best way over paint though hope this helps.
cheers for the reply church please bear with me mate so i can pick youre brains a bit more
i'm worried that the sbr slurry is a pretty strong seal against the background suction and using the w/proofer in the scratch coat is aiding to the water sitting on the surface of the scratch coat and then the top coat peels when i rule it or more than likely i'm having alot of bad luck and it only happens to me!!
I do see what you mean , thats why i think its best if the scratch is left for at least 48 hours longer if you can , the water has know where to go thats why render hang's around on the bottom of walls,when two coat rendering id rather leave a scratch coat a week if i can and give it a light spray of water before a top coat (not in the winter) i find the top drys evenly this way and it works for me.
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