Slowing down the cure time..?

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New Member
Tackling a job soon which involves the largest/tallest area Ive ever taken on, it might just be more than I can handle so was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks on slowing down the set time - I heard throwing a bucket trowel load of lime putty into your average sized mix gives you an added 15-20 minutes of playtime!?
Hello Mate
Never tried the lime putty before, did a job the other day which involved a massive stairwall, left it until last as thought may be taking on too much, don't use a helper so was on my own, anyway coated it the day before with wicks bonding agent and let it dry overnight then the next day did 2 coats of PVA (both 3-1). Turned out really nice. Read on another forum about Wicks one coat, apparently takes ages to go off so is perfect for massive ceilings etc, yet to try it thou, hope that helps, cheers
Hello mate, if its too big for you why not give it to some one else who can handle the job? Theres always someone who can do something others cant. How bigs the set you have to do?
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At its highest point the walls around 19ft tall although its only 7ft wide, so its not massive but then there is the added pressure of faffing around with platforms and what not - think ill take your advice on board Jonathan and run with it!

and maybe throw in a bit of lime putty for good measure ;)
If it wasn't for the height and platform issues then I wouldn't batter an eyelid - but being fresh out of goldtrowel HQ, a little wet behind the ears and with limited experience of any wall above 10ft I do find it a little intimidating

Dont worry about it just get it on the wall, if it starts going bring it back with a bit of water, the second coat will hold off for a lot longer.
The secret is dont phlap,just get it on, you'll be suprised how much time you've actually got,prob even time for a brew and a smoke.. ;)

all the best mate.

Just do it mate. Don't worry about slowing down the set cos it'll backfire. If you see it as an area which is about 13m2 then it's nothing. You wouldn't bat an eye at a wall 19ft long in one hit so I say go for it.

Use tower bonding agent and run around a lot.
I've just started using/experimenting with Wickes/Knauf one coat, slightly different technique to BG multi but it gives you much longer to play with and dries to a lovely white finish. I know spreads who once they tried will not go back to multi.
I wouldn't say you get the same finish with one coat as you do with multi its a courser finish.I've used it in older buildings between beams stone work etc,you can put loads on sponge float it up and it trowels lovely but its not the same finish as multi.
Hi bud get yourself a nice steel trowel and sharpen it up and you will never struggle on multi finish again it's a life saver stainless r shite
@Ritch, welcome to the forum, try introducing yourself first and get a feel for the form, that way you wont be dragging old posts up
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Hi mate thanks for the info just signed up on here looking for more info on the ewi systems been a spread for 9 years and I've just left my job to start this ewi I contract wiV my partner he's been doin it for years we r getting 4 pound a meter on every coat is that about average price for subbing or r we getting a crap price cheers bud
Hi mate thanks for the info just signed up on here looking for more info on the ewi systems been a spread for 9 years and I've just left my job to start this ewi I contract wiV my partner he's been doin it for years we r getting 4 pound a meter on every coat is that about average price for subbing or r we getting a crap price cheers bud
No talking prices is the general thing here Ritch or we will never be rich
Hi mate thanks for the info just signed up on here looking for more info on the ewi systems been a spread for 9 years and I've just left my job to start this ewi I contract wiV my partner he's been doin it for years we r getting 4 pound a meter on every coat is that about average price for subbing or r we getting a crap price cheers bud
How many coats is it? I heard how much there paying up my way per metre, i'll pm if intrested?
Hi mate thanks for the info just signed up on here looking for more info on the ewi systems been a spread for 9 years and I've just left my job to start this ewi I contract wiV my partner he's been doin it for years we r getting 4 pound a meter on every coat is that about average price for subbing or r we getting a crap price cheers bud

Start your own thread in the ewi section , let people know where your from etc , you never know you might get a better offer
Add ammonia or stale beer to the water. If ur fresh out of gold trowel get help. Or just don't panic and get a good flow putting it on. its about rhythm skip
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