Slow down on the work front

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i'm in bristol doing site work mate and it's o.k'ish at the mo, but who knows if it get's worse and the paranoid androids slow even more it can get worse
what are you doing minty site work , domestic?
i'm still fairly busy at the mo but i've been doing the odd day on site screeding as well as my usual domestic plastering.
how the feck do you make aliving on them rates without killing yerself each day?
luckily mate i do mostly daywork plus a van and a labourer so it's worth 170 a day in real terms so i won't get the best prices in the world but it's comfy
but when it does come along i do have to kill myself to earn 200  ;D
the word 'diversify' was mentioned not long ago...
still on a full house refurb, start the downstairs render next week, got the full set, really wobbly walls, crumbling render, damp problems, pretreatment of damp still embedded in plaster (dunno wot but its causin me bleedin nightmares), dodgy diy patch ups...
this is quite a large project never mind the plasterin and its the couples first go!!
might just find myself with some other stuff like roof repairs, joinery, anything i get offered really...ordinarily id knock it back but with things bein as they are...took 1 call all week, over skim 18m ceiling and re artex to unspecified pattern, told em 300 quid, not rang back...
bet someone else does it for 200....
only reason i do this in the first place is that it pays well if you put the graft in, i aint gonna work like a donkey for peanuts (or whatever they feed donkeys)
if im gonna be earnin less id sooner do less work for it, so i aint gonna be gettin into no price wars...
actually thought about goin back into the window game, but just conservatories, people are still rippin the arse out of that at the mo, 10-15 grand for a 3x4 victorian, if you know what your about you can put one up nice job for about 3...these 'guarantees' people are offerin are a load of old balls, unless you're insurance backed it aint worth shite...anyone can offer a 'guarantee' and go pop next week...
money went out of 'windows' years ago cos every man and his dog was a 'window fitter'...conservatories need 'builders'...still a year or two left before thats gone too....
might just go knockin...'ello dere missus, we got a few windows and a pile o'bricks left over from a job down da road, were just seein if anyone wants a conservatory...only be around 7 grand, can be done in a week...' :D
if we all put a brick in our lunchbox at bait and putthem all together were quids in :D
you won't be quite seggsy don't worry mate, i wished you live round the corner mate we payed a plumber 200 for 3 hours work plus mats for an anti gravity something and new twisty things on the rads to turn them up and down
weve being paying 170 a month for gas when we turn it on (back boiler even if it's just for water the heating comes on to!) so all the time during the winter the gas has being on constantlany even when the timers switched off :( ............bugger ;D
You wanna get yourself a condensing combi we got the worcester bocsh i think it save quite a bit, mind you my missus deals with all the bills and she'd let me know if its too expensive. But i think you can get a grant for a new central heating dont know how to go about it though. My mate told me he got a load of fire detectors fitted for free by the fire brigade and they also chucked in a deep fat fryer for free as its a fire safety one, he's gonna get me the number to get the freebies :)
company called homeserve (i think) put in boilers for free but you have to be on a working tax credits or similar low wage, a mate of mine had it done a year or so ago. not a bad job and a state of the art boiler for free!
sorry been onthe bevvies tonight, the company is called warmfront, just googled it so i know this is the right one
How you guys finding work at the minute!!!!!! must say the phone has not been ringing as much :'(

Keep looking at mine to if somones put it on silent mode for a laugh.
old old system that nicksey....most plumbers i know would just advise a new boiler, house size dependent but a 2-3 bed couple of kids maybe combi's the way to you get the airing cupboard back..there's lads up our way offering a 7 rad combi refit for 1,800...gotta make sure the buggers flush the pipework proper though and in your situation id want new pipes cos theyll be furred up to the eyeballs...
nothin at all to stop u first fixin the whole thing and gettin em to supply and fit a boiler though...
new rads really are better than the old 2.4m steel mothers, theyre much more efficient to the extent that most companies dont even make rads bigger than 1800 these days....
still if the anti grav loop stopped your heatin comin on, cant really knock 200 quid with new trv's...just hope he didnt sting u on the supply bit...i'd have guessed at the 3 port valve stickin and looked a muppet...
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