slipped disc

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New Member
just started mixin a bag of stuff this morn and my back went :otell you what theres no F*****g pain like it,anyone else here suffer from it :'(
only once bout ten years ago woz helping mate scaffolding colchester uni to try to warm up sounds daft but a bit stretching helps...customers look at me a bit funny when iam doing across between mick jagger and basil fawlty but its all part of the service ;D
tex it all said:
only once bout ten years ago woz helping mate scaffolding colchester uni to try to warm up sounds daft but a bit stretching helps...customers look at me a bit funny when iam doing across between mick jagger and basil fawlty but its all part of the service ;D

Thats quite funny mate ;D
6 years ago-ambulance,2mths off work-couldnt sh-t for a week and physio 3 times a week-now got herniated discs in neck,had 2 mri scans in last 2 mths and am waiting to see a neurologist for spinal cord damage!!-happy days!!!
mistersmooth said:
6 years ago-ambulance,2mths off work-couldnt sh-t for a week and physio 3 times a week-now got herniated discs in neck,had 2 mri scans in last 2 mths and am waiting to see a neurologist for spinal cord damage!!-happy days!!!
doc out at 6.45 this morn,got an injection and prescribed valium,hope you start to feel better
i get the 'sciatica' type pain and small of the back (lumbar area)...
being as 'sciatica' is just a set of symptoms (i did a bit of research after paying lots of money to physios to bend me into all sorts of shapes) ive found a few select stretching excercises work wonders...

1) relax the muscles - lay on the floor on your back with your legs on the sofa, knees bent at 90 degrees. Hold and stay like this for half hour or so (takes at least 20 mins). What this does is relieve all the tension in the small of your back allowing things to unravel and cause less pressure on the nerves. Dont get up to sharp, nice and slow, roll over sideways and get up. Works a treat when its bad.

2) Stretching exercises - the 'piriformis' muscle is buried deep within you arse (gluteus maximus muscle) and the sciatic nerve runs right through it and down your leg. When this gets tight it puts pressure on the nerve causing the shooting arse and leg pains most people refer to as 'sciatica'... for me it tends to come with the lower back pain...
solution - lie on the bed with you feet flat on the bed, legs bent 45 degrees to your body. place your right foot over your left knee (bit like attempting a lying down lotus position with one foot) and pull your left knee towards your shoulder till you feel the stretch in your glutes. Hold in minimum 30 seconds but longer if you can. try and make some effort, its a bit painfull but better than sufferning. repeat for the other leg.
Another one is to just pull your right knee towards your left shoulder.
Do this every night for as much as you need and trust me, it does work, but this is for 'piriformis syndrome' which seems to be the cause of my pain....

other than that i find 'brufen' based anti inflammatories work well but if i take too many i get piles... :-[

theres some good info on the net if you search, best ones i find are 'sports' type med sites..
i used to do kickboxing as a kid and they made us stretch and bend our bodys loads to get as flexible as possible, that along with labouring f**k*d my back right up, i was doing some laminate flooring and bent down to pick a piece up and my back locked. i have to stand there and wait for the pain to go, sometimes 10 15 minutes. im only 23 and ive spent about 500 quid at the chiropractors. turns out i had a twisted spine. i dont go anymore because hes given me loads of different exercises to do and they seem to work. i can post them if you want, they might help in the future.
Did mine a couple of years back, bending down to move a bag of skim and pop I was on my bloody knees and couldn't get up, had to crawl across the floor to lean against the wall to get up! Lasted a couple of weeks, absolute shocking pain, don't envy you, now I try to look out for myself seeing how easy it is to do your back in!!
freqeist1 said:
diclofenac (volterol) your GP will prescribe it, works well

if your on diclofenac (volterol) get your GP to prescribe lansoprazole or Omeprazole or you will most likely will end up with gastric problems!!!

this is a must
Bruce Willis said:
Why would you want to have gastric problems ? ::)

lansoprazole or Omeprazole is to prevent gastric probems, voltarol is a very strong pain killer and strong anti-inflammatory, gives superb pain relief but side effects are dreadfull m8
i dont just mean wind
come on Bruce u know i dont go near priests :-[

I like priests mind you i am very religious
anyone else on here religious??
I pray everyday before i skim.....pray it don't go all tiger stripey :o

do you need an alterboy, im labourer!
how do you get your gp to prescribe volitrol christ i cant get a couple of paracetemol without the 3rd degree would love some good uns

on a side note i used to suffer big time with siatica wen in states couldnt stay still cos of it ,a mate of mine noticed and sent me to see an old and i mean old chiro after alot of pulling and stuff he said quadroople dose on vit c for 4 or 5 days and you ll be fine,i did this thinking mug but it went and it aint returned
do you need an alterboy, im labourer!

i meant to say was ...............

do you need an alterboy, i mean a labourer! ;) ;D
Chriss is right about the stretches etc but it is best to find out what is wrong with your back before you embark on a exercise and stretching regime as what will suit some people may not be good for someone else. Ive suffered with my back for most of my life i have two tilted vertabrae at the base of my spine caused by hod carrying when i was young so usualy end up in the Oteopaths on average once a year to get straightened out its the only thing that works for me though other people have success with Chiropracts and other treatments you have to find out what treatment works best for you.Ime a qualified personal fitness trainer so have designed my own maintanence stretching programme and i soon notice the difference when i get slack with myself and dont do it.The biggest cause of regular back pain unfortunately is the old beer belly as the extra weight and where it is puts a lot of strain on the back so its always handy if you can lose a bit. Voltarol is a non steroidal anti inflamatory and work realy well but as has been said should be taken with a stomach protector the ones i get from Spain go under the name Voltaran and dont need a stomach protector and can be bought over the counter. Voltarol can be bought over the counter in the UK but they are a very low dose.
lucius said:
i was on 75mg Voltarol twice a day for 20 years, I’ve had 4 ops, 3 discectomies and one scar tissue removal, my back looks like a 1960's rugby ball stitched up and about 8 inches of scares ....... lose weight and exercise
Sound advice lucius, bit harder to lose the beer belly though! ;)
Also had tennis and golfers elbow tendon release, shoulders knackered now overcompensating

Who wants to be a plasterer!

not to mention the hernia
Dont know how you keep going mate though ime much the same myself ive had the op for tennis elbow. I couldnt do a solid weeks plastering nowadays but over the years ive picked up a lot of knowledge of other trades and my first trade is bricklaying so ime never doing the same thing every day so ime not stuck with repetetive movements which cause the problems its all that keeps me going now.
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