sliding top coat

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New Member
hello all,

I am hoping some of you more experienced plasterers might be able to help me out with this problem?

I was plastering a ceiling (boarded) First coat went on fine and flatten fine. I laid it in same as normal. All ok! nothing unusual so far. I let it go off a bit before 1st trowelling.

When I started 1st trowelling the top coat was sliding . Similar to silding base coat on PVA which hasnt gone tacky.

The only way I could 1st trowel it was to use alot of water (much more than i would normally use)
It wasnt up to the normal standard of my 1st trowel.
After this it seemed ok and the ceiling turned out fine.

I checked the bag all in date and wasnt mixed with dirty water.

This is the first time i have come across this so would appreciate any input about what i did wrong / what i sould of done??
iam thinking you have put the top coat on to early, 1st coat to wet, 2nd coat may have been mixed a bit stiffer so when you laid it on it offered more resistance against the 1st coat, so it started to move around if you know what i mean :)
think u put the second coat on to late. also flattern the first coat as u apply the second coat ;)

just like skimmin to day said....... ha
i always flatten of my first coat because if i dont then when i put my second coat on i end up mixing the two coats together on the high spots and when its trowelled up it looks a bit rough so i always flatten my first coat then mix up again to put second coat on a bi thinner and then it trowels up better and all one colour with no hard bits where the first coat was. i dont know why it sliding around though sounds like second coat was thicker than forst coat and maybe boards were dusty or had pva on or something
it sounds like you used a lot of water to lay your 1st ins down, and it has gone in to far, so when you trowel the 2nd ins you have lost the board suction, and it will slide around as if on wet pva. hope this helps...
i dont mean to sound like a prick but wether u put ur 2nd coat on 10 mins or 25 mins after your 1st coat ive never seen a problem i cant give u a reason for why it has done what u say other thant the plastering gods deciding its your fault that day we all have problems its never an exact science live an learn
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