Slave labour

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twitcher said:
check this one out

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He needs to be taught a lesson. I'd love to do the 2 days and make a total mess of his poxy job so he has to pay far more to get it fixed!!! W@NKER
Casper said:
Nisus said:
Make a change from texting me every 5mins your nearly as bad as JJ :D

hey, don't slag off my best buddy ;D Why is he texting you anyhow ???

Don't know mate he should be working during the day!
But I had about 20 texts the other day :o
FBS said when I've had enough just text: STOP to JJ :D :D
FFS if he sends you 20 and me 20 and fbs 20 and another 20 people 20. He must be a full-time texter ;D Can't be doing much on that course :-\
Unless that's what the course is!! :o

5 day texting course.

Day 1 how to hold the phone correctly.
Day 2 send a text using predictive text.
Day 3 send a picture.
Day 4 speed texting, send as many texts as you can to as many people as you can.
Day 5 Exam on meaning of words eg:
L8R, GR8, TXT. etc......
Receive certificate to frame & hang on your wall.
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