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New Member
hi guys and girls new on here so please  bear with me ive got a   Q ive been working royal mail 7years and ive had it now pi  ed off completly so the Q ive have is ive done plenty of skimming walls ive completely skimmed my house and also done some  boarding up and tape off then skim after taking door out and windows.and its still on the walls smooth love it could do it all day and thats straight up. however when i skimmed the walls i cleaned and prep walls to as flat as i could then mixed a bit of pva added it to  the walls just pull in the skimm in all is well and fine once the wall was going off applied the second coat but can not and have not been able to get that glass  finish  Q what am i doing wrong ive done the same prosess in freinds house and dont claim to be a plaster but if this is on the wright tra :)ck i would like some advise on improving myself as i would love to do this full time somehow were do i start
alright there! once you trowel your wall up a few times wait till hard then a hard dry run with da trowel give you the finish your after lad! 8-)
Hello mate your not doing nothing wrong all you have to do is once you have finnished the wall compleatly and you can see the culler change then you have to go over the wall cross ways with a dry trowel . But remember to go over the wall lightly otherwise you might end up with trowel marks and we dont want them do we
thks lads will try the next time someone wonts abit doin in there house. iam thinking of getting myself on a course any advise on were to start
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