Skimming over smooth render


New Member
Hey all looking some help went to price a job today so the house has a flat roof and the ceiling seems to be concrete with some sort of s/c on it rubbed up smooth and painted first time i have ever seen this the ceiling is sound with some nicks and chips in it and a small patch has come off is it ok if i pva bond and skim it or thistle bond it then bond and skim thanks.
Theoretically yes...apply blue grit and skim but....

Has it any signs of condensation...
Or is it insulated at all...
Hey all looking some help went to price a job today so the house has a flat roof and the ceiling seems to be concrete with some sort of s/c on it rubbed up smooth and painted first time i have ever seen this the ceiling is sound with some nicks and chips in it and a small patch has come off is it ok if i pva bond and skim it or thistle bond it then bond and skim thanks.
If in doubt, just batten ,insulate then board and skim,
I bonded and skimmed a out house concrete ceiling. When snow was on roof. The whole ceiling come down in one lol