Skimming over artex

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New Member
Just an observation really, I just skimmed over some old artex and I can see the old pattern (the swirly type) very faintly, I'm hoping it won't show through after I paint it, otherwise I'll need to like it or do it again. I'm a bit surprised cause it was really shallow artex. :-?

The heavily aretxed ceiling that i ran out on still looks a right state but gonna tackle it tomorrow. Waiting on the second patch drying as per dannys advice :)

Someone asked me to do a job for them today, I said leave it a month or so till I get some more practice ;)

Sounds like a good quote...

Right, normally when you can see the artex grinning through its normally because its drying quicker/slower and not normally anyting to worry about.

You can always doa 3 coat skim which you put on with a plastic float does work brilliantly on artexed ceilings.

do your first coat in the normal way then on the seccond coat use a plastic float to put on with but starting in the other corner so you start putting on across what you have just put on. I then dont trowel this the I go back to the corner I started in on the first coat and put a real tight one over that using a trowel. This method is really amazing as the finish is a very flat ceiling and no artex grinning through.

HOpe this helps

To get this right danny, first coat, add second, add third and then trowel in 6 phases? Same thing happened over old ceiling paper too.
2 coats over everything unless artex, then 3.

I mean, for a beginner I'm fairly happy but to get the pro touch, 3 over artex, or lay it on thicker 1st coat? Not always as easy as it sounds ;)
The 3 coat is really only for artex and the trick is is to use a plastic float to put it on with.

Personally never skim over paper, I have wondered for a while that maybe you can but paper just cannot be skimmed.

skim coats should never go on really any more than 3mm this is because anythicker and it gets ripples which are a pain in the ass.

look up 3 coat skimming on google and tonight I will write a better explanation.

Cheers for the advice Danny.

I knew if Id asked if I could skim over paper the answer would have been a big fat no! ;D Just took a chance, an experiment heh and it's still staying up there

Need to get myself a plastic float, didn't see any in b&q but should get one on the web.
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