Skimming Order ?

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Hello All
After some advice on best and quickest way to skim a full room, have been plastering about 10 months and going well but would like to know how you experienced guys go about hitting a full room and any tips you could give me in the best order to do it, cheers help appreciated.
Hi jonathon,
A lot depends on what size of area you can cover with one mix. If you got 2 reasonably sized walls that you can cover together with your first coat before it stiffens then hit both and follow straight after with 2nd coat from wall you started with. If like me you work on your own you obviously do your own labouring :'( and need to bear this time into account so 1st coat doesnt stiffen too quickly before you get to it! Also window reveals or alcoves etc always try to do opposite sides at same time and do walls/edges that meet, later when these initial edges are dry as this is a lot easier and tidier than plastering upto wet edge 8-)
Only thing i would say is that if it is for a paying customer dont try and do too much too quickly as taking that bit longer can make all the difference! ;) I always plan whole sequence for room before i start! Hope this helps

best to get the room on in one go if you can- use an angle trowel for the internal angles. this way your not having to move around as much and you can get a nice neat angle...

If the rooms too big to do that then get the opposite walls on and wait for the internal angles to set...
you can always bead up while waiting for the walls to go off


if the rooms not to big i normaly do the celing and two smaller (oposite) walls then 2nd hit easier with just the two walls left :)

but always try and do oposite walls makes the corners better.

but always try and do oposite walls makes the corners better.

I used to think this, but I have started using a corner trowel a lot more and I think if used properly the results are a lot better.

I do see where you are coming form because its nice to pull off a hard edge but for speed as well slinging opposite walls on can just be a drag.

ive never got on with the corner trowl, but i think ill have to force myself to use it more often see how it goes then :D
I'm much more a take your time guy, I usually work with another bloke and we work ceiling first then opposite walls. I dont like to go quicker than that, because all to often the wall turns out to be unsound, high suction or something else that means you have to move your arse.
I usually start ceiling first...but that is not to say you have to.
Lets say you're overskimming and youve pva'd 1st coat every thing
1 more on the ceiling then have it, any splashes of plaster will stick like bonding to the walls...
Easier in some cases to skim the walls first, then when you do the ceiling any splashes will easily scrape off with the edge of your trowel (backwards) leaving no marks..
even better is to hit another room with your second set, gives it more time to go off
you could do 2 ceilings then 3 walls, 3 walls, 2 walls...2 rooms a day...youll be knackered mind...
I'd just put on what you can handle doesnt really matter where you start...
good rule of thumb is if youve laid on and go back to the start, press it with your finger and it leaves a spike as it comes away, you aint put enough on..if its like plasticene when you touch it (leaves a fingerprint) then get on and trowel it up.
Cheers Everyone
Thats been a really big help, I never thought of using a corner trowel so I might have to master that as it sounds quite good, thanks again
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