Skimming large angles

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HI lads

Lets say u got a large angle on something like under a bay window wehere the walls meet at approx 130 degrees how do u skim it so it still looks like two seperate walls with a neat internal rather than 1 wall with a rounded angle?
As above , and allways check the angle with a feather egde before skimming cause some times there wrong before you start ;)
i saw a lad do this once, he wasnt very experienced so found it helped him. if its an over skim, do hard angles like flynny said but before he did them he ran a black marker pen down the angle. it makes it more visible and helped him to get it straighter.
im wanking my dog off at the mo :).............ive heard of lads pinging chalk lines and workin to these but what happens when you go over it ;D............also can someone explain the stop bead bead method, its alright doing the first angle but you still have to make a hard angle on the second set
As said above -always do back wall first, then do the 'wings' when it's gone off.......simples!
If joiner is a t*sser - curve it every time, he will love you ;D ;D ;D
spunky said:
im wanking my dog off at the mo :).............ive heard of lads pinging chalk lines and workin to these but what happens when you go over it ;D............also can someone explain the stop bead bead method, its alright doing the first angle but you still have to make a hard angle on the second set

i thought that, unless they mean use 2 stop beads, one on each wall butted together ???
if you used 2 you'd need to come off each bead so you'd nead a small expansion that'd have to be filled and you wouldnt have a crisp angle mmmmmmmmmmm i think this runs alot deeper
do ya mean like this?
its a bit hard to make out, because of the mist coat..i had (french word)ing rad pipes on this to >:(
6 angles
Skimming large angles
the plan was to curv it ,,then the woman said she wanted the bay windows lined up :-\
she said i will pay ::) ;D ;D..
your right though will not do again
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