Skimming Artex

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Hello Chaps,

when skimming artex do you find the gear goes very quick?? I am thinking about scraping back the artex then rolling it with thistle bondit... anybody done this with massive ceilings?

Yeah artex can be a pig!!! Depends on what its been painted or sealed with!!!! Its usually a Seal then Glue as you go. But its still odd at times!!!!

On the Goldtrowel, Chris said some spreads bond it out first them skim, so it may be an idea on a bigger one!!!!
hi, if its realy thick artex use thistle bond-it then give it a tight coat of bonding , then pva before skimming , I used to use pva straight onto artex until I had one come down on me since using bond-it I've never had a problem theres nothing worse than having to do a job twice, trouble with bond-it is you have to leave it 24 hrs to dry. hope this helps
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