- thanks to everyone who has sent advice etc, will post when I'm done, I'm cheered by your support, felt a bit apprehensive, after the treatment I got from some of the trainee plasterers (not the trainers etc) on the course i did, they were generally dismisive of me, one even to my face couldn;t see why I was there, however proof is in the pudding & I improve & learn with every surface I do! Far more satisfying than doing the old secretarial work I used to do. I live in the Winchester area in Hampshire, if anyone wants a knocker up for the day etc & doesn;t mind silly questions, I'm open to requests - ps willing to provide cake!
whatever you do dont offer up any beer..youll be inundated!!
good on yer for sticking it out though...nowt like a bit of plastering to combat cellulite... :
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