Skim coat m2 how much

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New Member
It's prob been mentioned before but how much does everyone charge a square metre? Up in Scotland where I stay I charge £10 m2 which is cheaper than other people are just to get more work 12m2 for cellings
it has been mentioned before...
and the usual outcome is you dont charge by the metre on domestic jobs unless theyre massive, all on board etc, bit like charging day rate to the public innit...
you wouldnt get 10 squid a metre if there was 2 hundred metres...
charge by the job, just price it...
if someone asks me how much i charge per metre i usually reply 'depends on how many metres there are'..
might only be half a square metre patch... tw@ts gonna want it doing for a fiver!
metre rates are for bigger jobs...
day rate is for labourers or patchers...
im gettin 4.20 pva / overskim and 7.50 bond and skim at the minute but theres 2 years work here and most of its a tight coat of bonding then skim hence 7.50, smallish rooms, occupied houses, council contract
on private jobs i tend to charge by the set, 100 quid or so plus materials, 2 sets a day, couple of hundred quid..
depends whats involved.... might need gypbond (extra), bits of wallpaper, loose render, straightening out for a worktop etc..etc..
we used to do council work church, most of the ones we did were not working, lazy T***s. on one job we had to re render after damp proof injection, was a couple in there late 20's, 3 kids and the house was a tip. they just walked out the morning we arrived and left everything where it was. the grass outside was 2ft tall where we had the boards to mix up on, they tried to claim we had destroyed there garden and broken expensive furnature. The spreads who i left there also reckon the place was jumping with fleas. hated that work
theres good uns and bad uns mate.... there was this woman the other week, bout 5 or 6 kids (could never really tell there was that many of em) the mildew was halfway up the glass on the windows, grease dripping off the ceiling and i gotta make something of it! bint moaned no end but the place was an absolute sh't tip before i even got there, i left it a damn site cleaner...
then theres this other bird, got no carpets in the place, 2 kids but a dead sound bird, spotless clean, nice to me, intelligent bird... did her a favour and went and picked an internal door up from focus and swung it cos the council will only repair sticky doors, not hang new ones! charged her 20 quid for the door and told her id swing it free (took 1/2 hour like) but she insisted on paying me 40 quid...
even the induction has a section on awkward tennants... says something like 'some of the tennants will be argumentative by nature, should you experience any complaints or verbal abuse, report back to the office and the liason staff will deal with it. Should it become a problem, pull your sheets and f'ck off'....
i spent a good few years on the windows doing council so its old hat to me mate... you just switch off and get on with it, have the crack with the good uns and ignore the bad uns...
and wipe your feet on the way out in the sh'tholes... ;D
another tip - if they wanna sit there and moan drinking tea and watching jeremy kyle....
turn the water off.... ;D
Chris W said:
another tip - if they wanna sit there and moan drinking tea and watching jeremy kyle....
turn the water off.... ;D

and another tip. price question within 5 posts. don't go upsetting my simps!!
how can you discuss what the rate is as it depends on each job based on size of areas/detail, value of contract, is it long term work, is it domestic or commercial? etc etc.
All i would say is I would only charge the rate you have quoted if I was the only plasterer in town
plasterjfe said:
how can you discuss what the rate is as it depends on each job based on size of areas/detail, value of contract, is it long term work, is it domestic or commercial? etc etc.
All i would say is I would only charge the rate you have quoted if I was the only plasterer in town

maybe the money down in England ain't is good as it is up here but if I charge £10 m2 people think that's well cheap from where I come from avrage livingroom 50m2 £500 for 6 hours work easy money that's just my own jobs at weekends plus my company wage of £12 an hour
£12/per hour and £12/ per metre how many metres can you do per hour about 30metres per 2hour set so on average 15metres maybe?
lets all f'ck off to scotland.... they got loadsamoney and the economies booming... all this sh'te about poverty is just bollox to keep us english out the way innit... ;D
2 x 25 metre sets a day - 500 quid - A DAY :-\
you can buy a lot of battered mars bars with that sort of money ;D
youd be too fat to move mate... let alone skim a room out...
No offence but I thought Scotts were known for bein tight with money so I would have thought out of the two, England is who would pay the most (fat chance) but obviously not :o
When you come on here boasting about earning £10m2 and there's lads on here working their gonads off for less than half that, then expect a bit of backlash. Something I cant work out though. Why would you work for £12 per hour during the week when you could be earning big bucks doing your own thing. You'd only have to work a couple of days a week to be more than comfortable at the rates you reckon are being charged in your area. Do you like the security of being employed, or lack the nounce to make it on your own and run a business?
job is safe that's what's good about £12 an hours plus my own jobs every sat £500 cash plus my £400 £900 a week can't moan at that just be aswell working for someone rather than having stress pricing jobs getting money in etc...
Daveplasterer said:
job is safe that's what's good about £12 an hours plus my own jobs every sat £500 cash plus my £400 £900 a week can't moan at that just be aswell working for someone rather than having stress pricing jobs getting money in etc...

well even if its not bullsh it calm it down. theres alot of lads on here who dont know when there next job is coming in and theyve got some bloke no one knows running his mouth.
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