Skim additive.

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Private Member
To hold skimming back a little for large ceilings or walls for that matter put just a palm full of BG dry wall adheasive in it, goes on nicer too, not too much though or you'll stuggle to get three sets on ;)
For larger areas i put 3 teaspoons of cream of tartre in each bucket. That holds it back. You can buy it from any supermarket in the baking section
for really big areas i add 1 sausage and egg mcmuffin, 1 hash brown, 1 large coffee and work like a f'ckin barsteward... ;D
Chris W said:
for really big areas i add 1 sausage and egg mcmuffin, 1 hash brown, 1 large coffee and work like a f'ckin barsteward... ;D

I do the same , but i watch em work like a barsteward ;D ;D
McPlaster said:
To hold skimming back a little for large ceilings or walls for that matter put just a palm full of BG dry wall adheasive in it, goes on nicer too, not too much though or you'll stuggle to get three sets on ;)

complete b*ll***s.
skimmin2day said:
McPlaster said:
To hold skimming back a little for large ceilings or walls for that matter put just a palm full of BG dry wall adheasive in it, goes on nicer too, not too much though or you'll stuggle to get three sets on ;)

complete b*ll***s.

as meatloaf once sang ' you took the words right out of my mouth, it must have been whilst you were....' :D
Bruce Willis said:
Crap that mate. Dry wall goes off like no ones business. It would speed it up not slow it down.
the b.g stuff takes a lot longer to go off than the knauff adhesive dont you find.
same as i think mate only use the knauf stuff as my merchants sell only that.but sometimes get supplied b.g. by the main contractor so have to use it,same as i sayit seems to set a lot slower.
If yer serious Wiz then Ill give it a go but it just doesnt make sence. Drywall sets faster than board or multi so how does it work?
i prefer knauf adhesive. smells better, nicer to use i think. lafarge and bg is gooey compared to this stuff. and they always take ages to get the lumsps out when mixing, knaufs nice and creamy
what do you class as a big wall on ur own ? to me a big wall is 15 m long 2.4 high but stil achievable it one hit on ur own if organised. plank the whole length out have ur gear set up in th eright plac e and throw the fu ck er on.
You can always roll the set if its gigantious or two set by a doorway or window.
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