New Member
iv been plastering for about 3 years now and have always just done domestic work. im thinkin about goin on sites, what is the goin rate per meter ????
i dont plaster on site mate im not fast enough,i make my way outside,but ill give you an idea what you gonna be up against,say im dashin,polimer render ill manage a small semi with someone mixing an cleaning,fast yes,no,that might make £320-£360,ive gotta pay the labour,plus your only gonna do that at best 4 times a week what with loading stone and powder,o an you get zero if it pisses down plus i have to make good any weather damage and patching for nought,happy days in the winter eh? :'(how many meters can u do a day on site ?? and how much do they expect you to do.
no mate ill spread an throw,remember im talking poly dashing not s&c,insidental damage not my probs,(its only 30-35 bags nicks an youve got all day with poly so dont get the idea im some sort of big bo$$ocks cause im not)
mate if you can dash with s&c then poly dash is easy,ill guess at half the work half the weight an twice the drying time an light weight morter to boot think of dasshin into something as light as brownin at about 8mm deep,an thats to a dry backin mostly,pluss no edge work,(dont tell anyone how easy that might be cause all the young uns on here wiil be nickin my work)no mate ill spread an throw,remember im talking poly dashing not s&c,insidental damage not my probs,(its only 30-35 bags nicks an youve got all day with poly so dont get the idea im some sort of big bo$$ocks cause im not)
Never used Poly, do you get alot longer with it than s&c? I do alot of dashing on new builds up in Scotland with s&c just me and a labourer and have always manged ok, but wouldn't mind trying the the Poly stuff.
all sorts mate,mr,weber,eglinton,weatherby,an to be honest there all really the same,only difference being you can cheat a bit with some more than othersis it the k-rend receiver coat mate?
mate if you can dash with s&c then poly dash is easy,ill guess at half the work half the weight an twice the drying time an light  weight morter to boot think of dasshin into something as light as brownin at about 8mm deep,an thats to a dry backin mostly,pluss no edge work,(dont tell anyone how easy that might be cause all the young uns on here wiil be nickin my work)no mate ill spread an throw,remember im talking poly dashing not s&c,insidental damage not my probs,(its only 30-35 bags nicks an youve got all day with poly so dont get the idea im some sort of big bo$$ocks cause im not)
Never used Poly, do you get alot longer with it than s&c? I do alot of dashing on new builds up in Scotland with s&c just me and a labourer and have always manged ok, but wouldn't mind trying the the Poly stuff.
;D thats right, me and tommy work together, finish at 3 everyday but on friday its 1. its easy to earn your money. talking 2 our boss he says we've never had it so good, we've got 7 big jobs just starting. so were set up for another year,Per week yeah ?
14 years and yes i've got nvq3how long have you been on the tools bingo Â![]()
we dont need one, dont take much 2 mix upaaaaaah youre not the labourer then ..........
we dont need one, dont take much 2 mix upaaaaaah youre not the labourer then ..........
we used 2 do it all the time. i bet in the last five years, we've done 2 15 week jobs, we like using hardwall and we've got a job starting in december that hardwalltrue .............do you lads do much hardwall?
never seen or heard of one, tommy was on about a drill with 2 paddels the other day, he said that looked goodever used (or seen) a jodymix bingo? looking at one the other night, tasty bit of kit for hardwalling i reckon