site work... help

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New Member
hi guys i dont have a lot of work on at the mo :-/ so me and my mate thought we try get some site work ;)..
but i havnt got a clue who to ring or where to go to get it :-/ .i live in kent if this helps???any advice would be good..
ring local building firms if that doesnt work ring some agencies thing av found with agencies is they take the piss tho
alrite Lewis

get on the net bud,search all your local plastering contractors an phone like crazy! if your desperate you will take anyfin!! its very tight out there so be persistant!!! let them know you mean business!
Yeah like scott said ring around, have a look in the yellow pages and ring some of the big plastering companys or try some of the interior companys that do plaster boarding and ceiling fixing they are always a good shout, usually small builder do there own work so are not on the big ccomercial sites, but usually if you speak to some of the reputable companys they might have some work available, or they might even know of another company that are looking for spreads, its all about putting your self out there and letting people know you need work.
also just walk onto a site and ask around never know
also just walk onto a site and ask around never know

you never know you might find someone who speaks English :o seriously though best of luck. site work slowing down fast here south east also try dry lining firms they normally need spreads a cscs card is useful on big sites
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