silly question

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anyone know where i can get a 2ft length of pvc render angle bead and about 2 shovels of lime from.Silly it may sound but the beads come in tens where i no and cost a packet and i dont want a open bag of lime left in my van.Its for a making good job on something i done a while back so i where can i buy the beads single and lime in smaller bags.
terry screwfix do em i think or sheffiled insulation but you would have to buy the full 10ft bead lol im affraid an as for lime 6pound a bag cmon
To silly to answer realy Tel but as ive had a drink i will, beads, just go and buy them they are stock and if you are realy in the game they just go on the next job, ive got 3 bags of hydrated lime in my basement you are welcome to one i can pick you up from Alicante or Murcia airport not sure what Ryan Air charge for lime .
I think Jewsons have a Pick & Mix aisle where you can buy 3 or 4 nails, half sheets of plasterboard, and saw teeth. Might be worth trying there. They are open till 12 on a Saturday. Make sure you use the little scoops provided, they go nuts if you mix multi with polyfiller.
great answers lads.screwfix pks of 10 £60 come on.bag of lime £6 yes left in van not good.i got collered at the dump so just wondered if you could buy it in small bags like you can with dust.i do no the game but if i didnt who gives a fk.saying s**t like that to people you dont no is so patronising
i can send you a bead and 2 lime, it have to be on a pallet next day so give me 99p for the gear and p&p £99. please make payment to: I am Tight and send it to, I ask silly questions, tight arse land, somewhere. mars. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Meet Simply in a car park, give him a brown envelope full of money, and he will give you a large clear bag full of white powder.
kebab king said:
Meet Simply in a car park, give him a brown envelope full of money, and he will give you a large clear bag full of white powder.

ive heard its half a bag just what you need :)
when i used to fit windows a fave trick for sticking the little sh'tty bits of brick back in the cill horns was to nip round the back of the brick shed and blast the corners off a few bricks where the old dear couldnt see it..
working on that basis, couldnt you just nip round the nearest barrat site thats been finished for a year and go chisel a 2 foot length off the corner of some poor f'ckers house? make out you're a structral enginner or something? ::)
Try finding house's that have been newley rendered and look in the skips outside we are always chucking the odd half bag away ;)
Take a brush and pan with you and go to the local football pitch and take some off the halfway line.
[thats if they still use lime to mark out] ;)
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