Should I have known better ??

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To cut a long story short, I recenly finished skimming 5 lobbies to a block of flats near to me.

Whilst the lobbies were in no way exposed to the elements, they were an external addition to the flats and as such, had no heating / ventilation - ie,you walk into the lobby and then again through a door into the hallway of the block.

Just been to check them today as they are taking an age to dry because of the cold snap, only to find that 2 walls in one of the lobbies have totally blown and will need to be scraped off and skimmed again - All the others are fine thankfully

Do you think the frost could have got into the skim causing this to happen - I'm happy that I prepped all the walls correctly first PVA etc...

And do I need to take this on the chin and rectify free of charge or would you charge a nominal fee for something that was really out of your control ??
might have nothing to do with frost what was the background?was it properley prepared ? it might be that there was no suction therefore taking longer to dry on top of the cold weather.

sonds like it was a decent job who gave you a good customer is there moere work to come the answer will be no if you dont fix it wether you mistake or not.

ps i think on bags it says do not apply at a certain temp so if it is because of cold could still be your fault.

sorry for sounding a dock but this is how your punter will think
this happened to me and other spreads on a collage job a few years back we put that down to frost and charged for redoing but I had a good builder who we was working for.
very doubtfull it was the temp.....weve been working through the snow, one room i did froze the other didnt .....the first was open to the elemnts and the second had glass in .....should be warm enough even in an unheated lobby
when you say 'blown' do you mean the plaster aint stuck to the wall? was it a shiny surface you were skimming over?
Hi Segs,

Yes, now it has dried, it has clearly come away from the wall - sounds all 'tappy' when you tap it

It was a shiny surface but I was happy that there was enough of a key (it was a textured paint) and I PVA'd aswell - like I said earlier, it is just 2 walls out of 20 odd, all others have taken fine

When I re-do them (when its a bit warmer) I'll try and scratch a better key (concrete walls) and use WBA perhaps to make sure ??
yeh i,d go for the wba mate and use board finish, it does sound to me like the lack of suction is what caused it...
as for takin it on the chin, i suppose youve got to really, plastering is either right or its not up to an extent, odd slight blemish can be forgiven but not if its blown... I wouldnt pay a painter and decorator if all the paint started peeling off within a couple of days...
unlucky, but its only one job out of hundreds and theyll appreciate your honesty, and if its a spanking job when its redone and youve explained about the lack of suction etc they might even give you a few extra quid goodwill sort of thing... doubtful if its a company though...
Hi mate if your skimming over paint then you have to score the walls , like if you were doing a browning wall then skin you have to score the browning before you plaster . Well it`s the same if your skimming over paint especially a silk paint or satin paint . Ehen the plaster has blown it will proberly be that your pva is to wet . The best pva to use is a agent called BOND IT . It costs about £35 up here in the NORTH EAST but it is the dogs bollex . By the way you better get all that patchwork sortde out , HAHAHA
Just take it on the chin , put it right , and move on . Its a right bitch when it happens , but its your name , so protect it .
did the skim separate from the pva as you applied it? also the walls are getting cleaned by contract cleaners, with "polish" on every thing! that will cause the pva to separate on application, if that's the case then run some s/c through your pva, and do not apply if pva has dried always apply to tacky pva...
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