Should I accept?

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Right, Main contractor who layed me of February has contacted me about working for him again as he's won loads of work that should keep me in business til Dec at least. Sound good ::)

Heres my quandry......He said I'd like to offer you the work if u can sort your attitude and temper? >:(

Thing is the only time I've lost my temper with the fella is when he's tried to rob me of my money that i've earn't which i bet half the lads on this forum would do exactly the same. Thing is I'm desperate for work at the minute so although I can't change the way I am i was thinking about using him for the money until I can afford to set up then feck him off big time.

I know it's childish but I wanna hurt him for starving my kids of treats and me of beer (unforgivable)! And the cowardly way he finished me.

What would u do.
i hear yers id take it but keep looking.over the years ive lost an unbelievable amount of contacts because i stick up for myself and cant stand being bull shited soon as people renage on a deal or dont do what they are supposed to do i politely tell them i guess after the 20th time i get a little pissed off and always seem to loose out. look im out of work so maybe i shud let people shaft me only prob with that is i have to start shafting others i cant do it
Seriously though, the bloke obviously rates your skills and reliability so if you can put your differences aside and agree to let bygones be bygones youll be ok mate..

just think....

Business is business never burn bridges just take the money and smile its only work after all .
Thanks for the advice lads. Gonna go and see him tomorrow at 10.00 and If I can tolerate him for the length meeting I'll let u know how it goes.
I just hate the way they kiss your arse when the works on and drop u like hot shite when its quite. I know thats how business works but loyalty should account for something.
I know what you mean Roofer just bite your lip mate , i have been there before and when these poeple need some work done on there own places/projects and they want a good job they will have to eat humble pie , best of luck. Take the WORK ;)
To be honest the contractor is crazy to be asking you back. I've done what hes done before because i needed the staff and it was a big mistake.
One of my biggest motto's in life is never burn bridges , and also you know what comes before a fall, take the work and try to see his point of view, he probably didn't want to lay you off in the first place , and because you obviously have a bit of a short fuse he was trying to avoid confronting you.
On the other hand he could be a total cxxt and your quite right to rip his head off ;D
Seriously listen to the majority of the guy's advice you wont go wrong ,
wish i could of read what walltowall would off wrote if he was still here ::) i miss him :'(

......Went to see Main contractor today and Started with a handshake and he said ''Let's drawer a line in the sand.''

Talked for half an hour about our differences and to be honest it felt like anger management. Anyway I've accepted his offer and have work til xmas atleast and he's even gettin me a van that I can pay of in interest free installments, happy days. Start on 29th.

Thanks for the advice lads, I'll have to go back on the beta blockers now ;)
nice one roofer, weeks work, pay packet at the end, good sesh and youll start to feel like your old self again..
dont put all your eggs in one basket though mate, although it may seem tempting.. its very difficult to maintain a new level of relationship once things have gone pear shaped once before..

however, better the devil you know and all that..

its just that some people like to think they own you once theyve done you a favour...(ive bought you a new van, paid you over the odds, bought your breakfast) etc.... before you know it you're feeling used and manipulated, some things are better left as they are... that line in the sand must remain uncrossed by both parties or it should never have been drawn..

my advise? dont kill yourself for this bloke... fair days work for a fair days pay...

hear all see all say nowt, eat all drink all pay nowt, and if ever tha does owt for nowt... ;)
Sorry Rockhardsolid, no other jobs mate.

Yeah your right Chris, He'll get Mon-Fri 8.00-4.30 outta me and I don't think he'll take the P**s this time. Thing is he needs me at the moment so he'll be sound until things drop off so i'm gonna build up contacts while he's paying me and do as much of my own work as i can at night and weekends. thing is he'll have to keep me as long as it takes to pay his van off ;)
nice one roofer and the good thing is come xmas work will of picked up so work should be a plenty
ye man u shud defo accept..if ya need the money then ya shud do the u sed ur only guna be using him for the money and u need the work so i say go for it.....
id say ask for half of the money up front if thats possible.....or try get an agreement with him tht u want X amount of brass on this day or wateva........
do ya want ya kids to be starved of food and u of ur beer for a 2nd time....i think not..

let me kno what ya decide pal

its just my opinion mate :)
Nice one! Good to see people getting the work back! I've got something similar, starting back with a firm I did a lot of work with sometime ago, the reason I jacked was because of a couple of piss taking muppets! Well they're still there but works work and the bills don't pay themselves but as repeated many times NEVER BURN BRIDGES! You never know when you gunna need 'em!
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