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New Member
ok lads might seem a bit of a daft question, but were do u lot get rid of all ur crap off a job?
like the plaster in ya water bucket and empty bags n all that.
im talkin domestic jobs were theres no skip.
i usually just sling evrything in the van and wait till we have a job with a skip on.
vans a right fkin tip at minute.
Re: (german word)E

A little tip on the slops in the bottom of the bucket tip away the excess water and add a bit of powder to stiffen then throw it into a empty bag then swill out the left overs easy ;) but i never do it as i leave it to me lab ;D
Re: (german word)E

bodplasterer said:
A little tip on the slops in the bottom of the bucket tip away the excess water and add a bit of powder to stiffen then throw it into a empty bag then swill out the left overs easy ;) but i never do it as i leave it to me lab ;D

i like it, ill try that 1 matey. talcum powder? :D
Re: (german word)E

in the past.... i have gone round my local trading estate on a sunday and filled there wheely bins up, if im desperate. keep that 1 quiet though ;), cheers

better than fly tipping :o ;D

a skip in my area is about £230 now :o
Re: (german word)E

SkyZOO said:
in the past.... i have gone round my local trading estate on a sunday and filled there wheely bins up, if im desperate. keep that 1 quiet though ;), cheers

better than fly tipping :o ;D

a skip in my area is about £230 now :o

haha good idea pal
secrets safe wif me
and £230 is crackers!!! :o
Re: (german word)E

when i had a unit we had someone put a load of black bags and other rubbish in our skip, we put gloves on and opened the bags. not long before found some letters with the address so i looked up the number. rang it on saturday night , just answer phone so i gave them an offer they couldnt refuse. I told them that the person who thinks its ok to dump there s**t in my skip ( didnt say where the skip was) had until 5oc sunday or it will be put through the letter box. well I was at the unit on the sunday and this bloke turns up and starts taking his stuff out the skip. when i went out to have a lttle word he was very sorry and said he didnt think it would be a problem, he then looks round and says he knows skips are expensive so he understood how i felt. I think the crow bar i was holding sort of swung it my way. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Re: (german word)E

simplybesty said:
when i had a unit we had someone put a load of black bags and other rubbish in our skip, we put gloves on and opened the bags. not long before found some letters with the address so i looked up the number. rang it on saturday night , just answer phone so i gave them an offer they couldnt refuse. I told them that the person who thinks its ok to dump there (german word) in my skip ( didnt say where the skip was) had until 5oc sunday or it will be put through the letter box. well I was at the unit on the sunday and this bloke turns up and starts taking his stuff out the skip. when i went out to have a lttle word he was very sorry and said he didnt think it would be a problem, he then looks round and says he knows skips are expensive so he understood how i felt. I think the crow bar i was holding sort of swung it my way. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

lol some cheeky fkers about.
i had a skip outside the house last xmas bout half full,boxing day it was full.
i think half the street threw there crap in it, cheeky c**ts
Re: (german word)E

Ive been trying to develope a trolley that I can put a 4 yard skip on and keep in the garage, the skip truck can then just tow it out to a point where he can lift it.

Having said that I aint even built my garage yet, but thats not the point :)
Re: (german word)E

there's afirm round my way do the bags, £40 a pop, i keep one in the front garden, missus and neighbours don't like it much...
Re: (german word)E

Take it down to the local recycling centre in your car, costs nothing, the cash you charged the customer for site clearance goes in your pocket.
Re: (german word)E

Thats ok if your missus wants dusty old plaster in ur car mate.If not you have to pay,i got rid of 14 bags of ruble plaster board lathe etc etc 3 week ago and it cost me £ comes of my tax bill and theres no messing around,also i didnt even have to sort out the wood/ p board and the ruble either.
Re: (german word)E

Dust sheet in back, sorted, it ok for the odds n sods but if you've got a lot get a skip on the job. Been to Selco today they do their version of the Rhinobag, they charge £30 collected.
Re: (german word)E

i've not had any issues with it, ought to ask about that really.
Re: (german word)E

its just that i occasionaly put household waste in it, if its being dumped in a layby somewhere i don't want any comebacks!
Re: (german word)E

I hate to see it dumped in laybyes too mate,fu c k ing up the countryside ,it really gets to me.
i live out in the country and everytime i drive by and see household waste and bags of plaster dumped and piled up high........... i say to myself, you gotta stop doing this lol
Re: (german word)E

dump it all in the back garden an pay some pikey 30 quid to come and shift it and tidy the garden whilst he's at it
Re: (german word)E

Just do what carpetfitters do & leave the rubbish for the customers, I do. ;D

I always tell the customer before I start the job I don't remove any waste as I don't have a waste carriers license
& I can get a big fine if pulled over with their waste in the back of my van.
Tell them to look it up on Internet if they don't believe you. ;D
The householders waste is their responsibility.
So they can pay for a skip or i'll bag it all up & leave it where they want me to put it for them
to get rid of.

My mate has a skip on his drive all the time & just takes the rubbish from smaller jobs home into his skip
& adds the cost of it on his jobs.
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