Shite finish bags

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Tiny bit of dampness on a job and the paper slides of leaving the plastic part once that happens you know it's splitting haha we blame the apprentice but we know it ain't his fault lol

dan youve been tagging them in threads like this for around 2 years whilst simultaneously telling us they've fixed it. My merchants looked like lapland the other day. Finish everywhere. The lafarge bonding compound bags were spotless...

Sent from my Nokia 3310 whilst having a poo
I do mind I don't want shite split bags in my nice new van making a mess. No doubt a money saving exercise by BG whilst simultaneously putting the prices up.

Joke of a company.
Has anyone else been getting problems with the finish bags lately taking them out the van they are splitting and falling apart seems to happen quite a lot of the last few weeks
yeah i have. theyre crap. theyre like made of that tracing paper bogpaper they used to have in school. you put a bag down on a wet tarp and then pick it up ten minutes later the bottom falls out of it. they your struggling with it like youre wresting a seal or something because of that s**t polythene. ffs. move with the times bastards
BG aren't alone with s**t bags, Jewsons 25kg building sand bags are shocking, as soon as you throw a bag in the van or onto the ground it bursts open sending sand everywhere. they are only sealed at the top by about 0.00001mm I can actually open some like a packet of crips. Actually come to think of it im sure jewsons and BG are all one big happy family
You can't even get out the merchants without leaving a trail behind you it's a nightmare on customers houses when one starts to go on you carrying it in that's if they've not started splitting when you pull them off pallet why are they glued together ?!! Feckin joke
Cant say I've had a prob with the bags of finish?...not for about a year? Bondin bags are s**t tae f**k if you look at them on the way by
Started put them in big rubble bags which I save to use again ,nightmare when you pick them up and powder shoots everywhere out of the top of the bag !! Not to mention when they split ....
yeah i have. theyre crap. theyre like made of that tracing paper bogpaper they used to have in school. you put a bag down on a wet tarp and then pick it up ten minutes later the bottom falls out of it. they your struggling with it like youre wresting a seal or something because of that s**t polythene. ffs. move with the times bastards
Your school must of had crap paper ours used to slide halfway up your back...hmm unless it was just the texture of my poo
dan youve been tagging them in threads like this for around 2 years whilst simultaneously telling us they've fixed it. My merchants looked like lapland the other day. Finish everywhere. The lafarge bonding compound bags were spotless...

Sent from my Nokia 3310 whilst having a poo

its not a quick fix... but tests and samples are being rolled out... I tag them so that they can keep track of everything :D
yeah i have. theyre crap. theyre like made of that tracing paper bogpaper they used to have in school. you put a bag down on a wet tarp and then pick it up ten minutes later the bottom falls out of it. they your struggling with it like youre wresting a seal or something because of that s**t polythene. ffs. move with the times bastards
Like wrestling a seal lol (y) :sorprendido3:
It doesn't take two years to phone the paper supplier and ask for a thicker grade paper. You don't need to tag them so they can keep track. They can just follow the trails of finish everywhere!

Sent from my Nokia 3310 whilst having a poo

It is way way way more complicated than that though :D If it was that easy then it would have been done a long ago.. I know for a fact that the splitting bags is a sore subject at BG HQ :D
It is way way way more complicated than that though :D If it was that easy then it would have been done a long ago.. I know for a fact that the splitting bags is a sore subject at BG HQ :D
Yeah my mate had same prob getting over barbed wire fence when we was kids :sorprendido3:
It is way way way more complicated than that though :D If it was that easy then it would have been done a long ago.. I know for a fact that the splitting bags is a sore subject at BG HQ :D
Why is it?

Most likely theyre telling you that knowing full well you're just going to carry on buying the product regardless. Why waste money when it doesnt affect sales

Sent from my Nokia 3310 whilst having a poo
It is way way way more complicated than that though :D If it was that easy then it would have been done a long ago..

What a load of bollox!

It's packaging, one of the most simple parts of the manufacturing process. Even if it's beyond their capabilities to come up with a solution, all they have to do is look at one of the hundreds of bagged products and copy that. I could list loads, but take levelling compound as an example. I can think of five manufacturers that produce 25 kg bags. None of them split like BG plaster bags. o_O

They simply want to spend as little money as possible whilst shifting as much product as possible. If they aren't willing to sort it out then fair enough that's their choice. But cut the bullsh1t about it being difficult/complicated to sort. :endesacuerdo:
I enjoyed the mine tour very much. Plus I don't have any problems with the bags at my local Wickes but the local B&Q is a disaster always rip or look like Wolverine has stacked them in a bad mood!? I think it's how the bags are stored once leaving BG has a lot to do with it?
Hi guys! We know that there are issues with our bags and we’re working on improving the situation. The first stage (which we’ve now started) is to install new machines and secure the bags onto the pallets. This will take some time to get up and running, but we’re looking to have them ready and tested for early next year. This will stop us needing to use glue on the bags, which will stop the tearing and cause less damage in transit. We’ll keep you updated!
Hi guys! We know that there are issues with our bags and we’re working on improving the situation. The first stage (which we’ve now started) is to install new machines and secure the bags onto the pallets. This will take some time to get up and running, but we’re looking to have them ready and tested for early next year. This will stop us needing to use glue on the bags, which will stop the tearing and cause less damage in transit. We’ll keep you updated!

Why does it take you soling when people have raised the issue years ago?
How hard is it to get better packaging?
I know your a massive corporation and will have to do tests etc but this isn't something that was brought up last week and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to sort out!
We're not asking for new formula!
Hi guys! We know that there are issues with our bags and we’re working on improving the situation. The first stage (which we’ve now started) is to install new machines and secure the bags onto the pallets. This will take some time to get up and running, but we’re looking to have them ready and tested for early next year. This will stop us needing to use glue on the bags, which will stop the tearing and cause less damage in transit. We’ll keep you updated!
Y don't yous just use the same bags as Irish gypsum. U are the same company. I had 20 bags of your finish on the job this week and 50 bags of Irish finish. The mass if the house with your finish all over the place. It made me look on professional. Skim dust everywhere.
Hi guys! We know that there are issues with our bags and we’re working on improving the situation. The first stage (which we’ve now started) is to install new machines and secure the bags onto the pallets. This will take some time to get up and running, but we’re looking to have them ready and tested for early next year. This will stop us needing to use glue on the bags, which will stop the tearing and cause less damage in transit. We’ll keep you updated!

Hi guys! Just a quick genuine question guys, if your spending the time and money to fix the shite quality of the bags at the minute, could you at the same time look at putting finish bags in the same breathable plastic type bags that are used for cement/postcrete etc. One of the biggest issues of plaster is storage - especially for the house building/commercial building firms- because a few showers and the bags start to get very lumpy.

As a finish product thats obviously a problem as it effects the quality when a lump rips up the wall. Please give a genuine answer why this isn't an option because to me it solves a lot of problems?
Hi guys! Just a quick genuine question guys, if your spending the time and money to fix the shite quality of the bags at the minute, could you at the same time look at putting finish bags in the same breathable plastic type bags that are used for cement/postcrete etc. One of the biggest issues of plaster is storage - especially for the house building/commercial building firms- because a few showers and the bags start to get very lumpy.

As a finish product thats obviously a problem as it effects the quality when a lump rips up the wall. Please give a genuine answer why this isn't an option because to me it solves a lot of problems?

They can't use sealed plastic bags because the gypsum mites would suffocate (@Nisus told me about them) and that would breach EU regulations on endangered species.
They can't use sealed plastic bags because the gypsum mites would suffocate (@Nisus told me about them) and that would breach EU regulations on endangered species.

Thats why the portland mites are overtaking them then because they survive. Absolute wimps the gypsum boys. Bet their brummys
They can't use sealed plastic bags because the gypsum mites would suffocate (@Nisus told me about them) and that would breach EU regulations on endangered species.
Going off the subject Imago i've just been to see a job ,its a rap around extension nice brickwork and blockwork but the fella is a bit concerned with the steel work were they have taken out the rear wall, there's 2 12x6 steels bolted together keeping the rest of the rear wall up which sits on a 12x12 column of thermalite block but the column does have a padstone and building control are happy with , need your expert opinion
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