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S a plastering

Private Member
im doin some work for this guy an hes asked me to do some shelfs for him inside a walkin wardrobe thing is whats the best wood for it was goin to use some 2x2 par for brackets then some 20m mdf for the shelving what do ya think will that work thanks
I'd use 2x1 at the sides & back of wall.
Then White or cream conti board cut to size for the shelves.
Doesn't need painting then:RpS_wink:
problem wi conti board is its only usually 12-15mm thick, fine up to about a metre wide and 250 deep but any bigger than that and some tw@t will fill em with filing boxes and theyll bow like f'ck...

still, if you get some o that dexian? racking stuff... like metal strip that you slot the brackets in, fire a few uprights down the length of the wall and a shed load of brackets you can stick what you want on it then... at whatever height suits...

dunno if its called dexian, just a name i had in my head..
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