I find that with plastering,theres the 'right way' and theres 'your way'. I find theres more than one to 'skin a cat' with plastering and I often mix and match with my plastering techniques. I tried a new way of skimming (new to me anyway) on Friday and it worked like a dream!! My ceilings are looking like a pane of glass with no blemish's whatsoever etc
Instead of putting my 1st coat on super tight then squeezing in a light 'grease over',im now making my 1st coat pretty heavy (compared to what im used to ie; skin tight) then when i come to 2nd coat,because its still relatively soft because its not been sucked in so much,my second coat is tiny (its virtualy a one coat technique) so due to the thickness,this gives me time to get in 2 DRY flatteners,(delaying the process of adding water for aslong as possible whilst still being able to go over it with a dry trowel) then its 2 waters and polish up and its coming up like a dream it really is........
only slight problem is i find (when your trying to achieve perfection you will always find fault
) is in parts theres slights shadowing on the tapered joints (butt joints no probs) and with the shine on my work it highlights it more,stands out more than it would ordinarily)
any tips on how to eliminate this? ive tried blocking out my joints before hand and letting them going hard but doesnt always do the trick.If anything,i find having blocked them out before hand,when i come to skim over them,the plaster seems to look kinder 'bumpy' over them,even tho i troweled the joints up when i blocked them out.
Instead of putting my 1st coat on super tight then squeezing in a light 'grease over',im now making my 1st coat pretty heavy (compared to what im used to ie; skin tight) then when i come to 2nd coat,because its still relatively soft because its not been sucked in so much,my second coat is tiny (its virtualy a one coat technique) so due to the thickness,this gives me time to get in 2 DRY flatteners,(delaying the process of adding water for aslong as possible whilst still being able to go over it with a dry trowel) then its 2 waters and polish up and its coming up like a dream it really is........
only slight problem is i find (when your trying to achieve perfection you will always find fault

any tips on how to eliminate this? ive tried blocking out my joints before hand and letting them going hard but doesnt always do the trick.If anything,i find having blocked them out before hand,when i come to skim over them,the plaster seems to look kinder 'bumpy' over them,even tho i troweled the joints up when i blocked them out.