Setting in Perth..

George Kidd

Active Member
Setting in Perth..
The product that's used here in Perth is very different to the Hardwall Finish that we use back in the UK, it consists of Hydrated Lime Putty, and Various types of Hardwalls, that all react in different manners, like backgrounds, temperatures etc..
Bricky I used to work for went out to Perth 12yrs ago. Absolutely loved the Aussie way of life. And for the price of a little 3 bed ex council house got a big old bungalow with swimming pool and cash left over.
Hi Ho, been here 5 years now mate, got the cit test sorted, it's not the cheapest place anymore to live WA as everything here was based on the wages off the amines up north TBH
The average rent here is $500 per week
Plasterers rates are also very poor in my opinion also?
ATM there is a recession going on here in WA
Materials, methods are very different to the UK & Irekand..
Hi Ho, been here 5 years now mate, got the cit test sorted, it's not the cheapest place anymore to live WA as everything here was based on the wages off the amines up north TBH
The average rent here is $500 per week
Plasterers rates are also very poor in my opinion also?
ATM there is a recession going on here in WA
Materials, methods are very different to the UK & Irekand..
Have you thrown many
Setting in Perth..

On the
Setting in Perth..
Yet ? !!??:hola: