Server move

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Hello chaps,

well as some of you have noticed the forum has been running a tad slow the last few days and this is due to the amount of traffic we get. I have been talking to teh hosting provider and we need to upgrade the server.

I am aiming to get this done one evening but the site may be down for a bit... if it is be patiant and know that it will be back up and lightning fast too....

This move wont effect anything... just thought I would pre warn about the possible downtime.... I have been told that it can go with very little downtime... but I have confidence that it will be a quick move this will also make things a lot quicker for the users of smart phones

I was starting to worry about the host that your on m8. I have been getting data base errors all week and there is usually more guest on than members when it goes down. There used to be a Hack that would deny guest but allow members if there was a high server load but not sure if its still around.
Nice one Danny,:RpS_thumbup: it definetly is slower than the old forum on phones.
Same as two coat been getting database error aswell.
I am still talking to the host as they say they thinking of moving the site to a newer server as the server I am on is old and tired :-)

to be honest its not a big deal and this place only starts getting busy around 17:00 so as long as its somewhere near back up then....

The thing that takes the longest is the propagation of the domain names which basically means I have to tell the domain name servers to look at a new serever and because lots of servers and browsers cache the site it can take up to 48 hours to work effectively!

so I am still talking to the hosting company and hopefully they will give me a good answer later today and eta for when its going to run teh quickest for the switch. I have 70 domains that need moving as well as they are pretty high traffic aswell.

The hosting said when the server is running slow its normally due to one of my sites :-) lol

well the move is being postponed as I need to think of other options... the server is mega money... and this place is not generating that sort of money to fund it so we will have to deal with it until I can pick up some more sponsorship
the server move is going to be going a head in teh next few days..... you will hopefully see a huge speed increase :-)


PS by the way we need to sell some serious ad space to pay for it mind :-(
well the move is being postponed as I need to think of other options... the server is mega money... and this place is not generating that sort of money to fund it so we will have to deal with it until I can pick up some more sponsorship

What sort of money we talking here Danny?
I've got a spare few quid lying around :-)
Haha, yeah I am trying to hold off the move as long as I can at the moment but the current host are putting a bit of pressure on... I would like to do the move over the new year :-) but as I think it prob gonna happen next weekend :-(

Thanks nisus :-) Hopefully sealing some deals this week on some ad space so hopefully that will cover costs :-)
OK I have bought the new server (well hiring it) hopefully going to make the move in the week... so if teh site is down dont panic it will be lightning quick when its back :-)

yup and should be more stable... also as its my own space it should be effected by whats happening in the states :-)
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