bkh said:how god are he 14.4v ones would they do as good as the 18v on 50mm on overboards
steve cov said:a scouse having something nicked off him for a change...
WATCH ITsteve cov said:a scouse having something nicked off him for a change...
steve cov said:13 miles, still close enough to drive into liverpool, nick something and get back without anyone noticing ;D
shut up you tit we're having a laugh. and for your information i have been to liverpool and i had a good time.plasterjfe said:WTF manchester has a one man scouse machine footy team ha and you obviously aint seen the shops or prob ever been to liverpool
Hes hated in Liverpool as well. He should have gone down for what he did mate.steve cov said:i'm only joking. i love the beatles. its just stevie gerrard i can't stand...i mean understand
Bruce Willis said:Night night, Nelly will be up later to stick one in you er I mean tuck you in ;D
plasterjfe said:I bought a mixer and two cordless from ebay, good deals no problems lookin for an 18v hammer drill now