seen it all

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seen it all today, we had to prep some boarding ready to skim on a job me and monkey are on, the tackers had put up all the thincoat stops down the concrete ceilings, stu was scrimming when he noticed the stopeads where fixed with the 3mm lip over the inside edge of the boards so they all had to come off and be refixed,
Tackers dont understand sometimes we have had it with the wrap around beads being all over the place, a straight forward job become a pin in the rectum.
seen that loads of times also the beads screwed on with almighty screws buckling and warping the beads? monkeys
and i managed to shoot a staple through my f**k**g thumbnail whilst doing so ...but whats even more worrying is we had a guy in there doing some skimming and even he never noticed he just kept moaning about the wing of the bead kicking out all over the place
thing is they have been using them wrap around beads (they was calling them hockey beads) they was cutting them to width of the board so on a wall that was 7 boards wide there was 7 cuts in it and it looks shite
southernmonkey said:
and i managed to shoot a staple through my (french word)ing thumbnail whilst doing so ...but whats even more worrying is we had a guy in there doing some skimming and even he never noticed he just kept moaning about the wing of the bead kicking out all over the place

Could of been worse mate , could of been simp's finger ;)
at least they tried .............they must think they were smaller plasterboard stop beads ;D....hate them wings spring everywhere
i had a concept autofeed screwgun couple of years back and dropped it onto my foot. the depth gauge hit my foot right above my steel toe and the bit kept going. through my boot and into my foot. i had a posi shaped scar haha
screwed through me finger holding a lenght of metal stud up, only way i could get it out was to reverse drill and undo screw ,it hurt like f@ck.
I dilled through my index finger with a thin drill bit fitting a loft ladder. Snapped the bit as well.
Its a bitch when your in a customers house and you're trying not to swear, or bleed .
customer once caught me throwing up in an empty bag after bein on the p@ss , couldnt wipe the puke off me chin fast enuf,lol
My lad lent on the mesh on the first lift of the scaffold. I turned round and he had gone, landed on the mixer knocked it over, render everwhere, mixer was doing a jig. roofer nearly fell of the top laughing. we looked like real Pros that day :D
one of the best ive ever seen was an old lab of ours mixing up. was feeling lazy so lent the shaft of the mixer on his trackie bottoms. caught them and practically ripped his trouser leg off. the best thing is it made him do an elvis type pose. he shouted me so i came runnin in and instantly fell on the floor laughing.
I was caught in the clients shower once was fitting a new bathroom at home at the time so I stunck but they arived home early one day to my shock but were very understanding
pwi said:
I was caught in the clients shower once was fitting a new bathroom at home at the time so I stunck but they arived home early one day to my shock but were very understanding

;D ;D ;D ;D
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