section lost

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me n'all mate, mebbe were barred :RpS_laugh:

nah, be danny f'ckin around with the software...
I moved it to the public bar... trying to make some room for our new sponsor that will hopefully come on board soon :-)
i all over a stupid argument we havent been the same since i got assulted & tazzed by the police ( pos divorce ) need some breething space at the mo :RpS_mellow:
mate, get on plenty of fish, chat some birds up, make sure she sees your profile, take the p'ss, drink beer, and forget all about the woman man...
sh't innit, but f'ckem... 'snakes with tits' - spunky
hey i was only trying to soothe the pain mate...
had a good few 'relationships' some i f;cked up, some they f'cked up...
latest one as it goes, takes her and her kids on "as a package" as they like...
turns out she and her kids like to take me for a c'nt...
last straw was lending her 20 year old son 350 quid just before christmas to tax and insure his car to my detriment as i needed that money to sort the f'ckin van soon as he got paid and guess what? excuses, bullsh't... taken for a c'nt mate...
and she's givin it "f'ck all to do with me"

so she got binned "AS A PACKAGE"...

i just aint too quick to offer my hand in marriage or sperm in liu mate...

sometimes im glad, others im not, see my views on 'marriage' in dannys thread on 'marriage'...

good luck though mate, i really feel for you, straight up, just cos 'I aint got no kids, you wouldnt know' doesnt mean i aint gopt no feelings mate...

The talk about anything section was the same as the public bar... so I merged them..... :-)

What you guys see on your screen is very different to me :-) I have a long way to scroll so I trying to compact it down a bit... I also adjusted a few other sections as well but no one seems to have noticed that :-)

AD I think its your screen resolution or sometimes its a long username cocks it up :-)
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