second coat

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New Member
i was talking to aspreader of about 20 plus years of exp.. and he said when he lays on second coat he spreads it one way and does not repeat stroke up the wall. also may put third coat on aswell ??? ??? ??? ???
best tell him to come on here so we can take the pi55 then ;D
daz1968 said:
i was talking to aspreader of about 20 plus years of exp.. and he said when he lays on second coat he spreads it one way and does not repeat stroke up the wall. also may put third coat on aswell ??? ??? ??? ???
I think I know what your sayin. Do you mean he lays on first coat vertically then second coat horizontally?
daz mate.... youd get on much better if you stopped trying to over analize everything and just got the f';cking stuff on the wall and trowelled up man... ffs... work till your arm falls off and it just gets easier everytime...
Chris W said:
daz mate.... youd get on much better if you stopped trying to over analize everything and just got the f';cking stuff on the wall and trowelled up man... ffs... work till your arm falls off and it just gets easier everytime...

[/quotesorry :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Chriss is right, ime not the fastest plasterer in the world and if you asked me to explain how i do it i couldnt but basicly i get it on the wall or ceiling as quick as i can cos i always worry about losing control even after all these years then flatten of the rest is easy.
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