SDS hilti te2 drill

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had one for years mate and it never let me down once till it got nicked...
didnt know they still made em..
ive got the hitachi rotostop now from screwfix for 117 quid and thats a beast....
but yeh, if its cheap mate, snap his hand off
p.s. does depend on what you wanna use it for mate.... owt up to 12mm or so in any substate - no worries...
dont use em for core drilling and if its got a rotostop, all it'll do is chop chases...
if you want a kango you want the te55 mate...
One of the Hilti SDS drills has 3 settings. For drilling, chasing, and for mixing. Not sure on the model number though. It was between £350-400.
ChecK out the latest offers, the TE2 is £125 + Vat until the end of May. Includes some free bits (worth £14)
is it the cordless 24v your lookin at or the 110v? mine was the 110 but hilti being hilti... the 24v will be a blinder... if a little more expensive...
Got my Milwaukee combi nicked three weeks ago from the boot of labourers car >:( >:( so had to hire a replacement quick sharp and that got nicked three days after real piiisssed off cos insurance will only pay out for mine and not the hire one >:( >:( >:(
Fcuk me youve got more thieving Cnuts in Doncaster than in London by the sounds of it. Ive got a 240 Kango SDS what i bought of a car boot 20 years ago of a plumber who was upgrading and its still going strong.
mate ive had a makita sds for ages hacked loads of stuff off with it drilled and mix plaster with it as well there cheap now i think :)
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