Scrim tape


New Member
Hi All,

Is there a by the book way of using scrim tape e.g. cover all butt joints, screw holes, corner beads, stress patches etc please.

Thank you in advance
Hi All,

Is there a by the book way of using scrim tape e.g. cover all butt joints, screw holes, corner beads, stress patches etc please.

Thank you in advance
Yes, all board joints should be covered with standard width scrim and all internal joints should have 90-100mm scrim applied. Mid-board screws and beads do not require scrimming, just joints.
Yes, all board joints should be covered with standard width scrim and all internal joints should have 90-100mm scrim applied. Mid-board screws and beads do not require scrimming, just joints.
Hark at you giving out advice, you must have got yer hole in the last 48hrs.
I've only had two beers. Three and I'd have told him to f**k off.
Scrim tape