Scrim tape coming lose

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Private Member
Hi all haven't been around here for a while been doing lots of tiling!

Just been to quote on a few light artex ceilings all been boarded about 15 years old at virtually all joins scrim tape has come lose bring the plaster with it...any1 seen this before? any explanation for it?

Other than this ceilings are in very good knick..i suggested to customer to remove all tape then retape joints and skim the lot back to flat.
Is the tape paper, cotton, hessian or fibre. if the ceilings were boarded and then artexed as opposed to plastered, then the tape on the joins will be liable to come loose. :-?
Whatever it is...its not scrim, i reckon paper...i'll get a better look at it though when it comes off :)

So out of interest if you are artexing do you not tape the joints?
it will be the paper jointing tape that tape & jointers use i have seen it a few times where artexers have used this tape and as you have seen its crap and will eventually come down in not very well ventilated rooms
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