Scrim tape at corners when boarding and plastering ceilings only

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New Member
Sorry for the long title

I was just wondering how you guy's go about scrimming up the corners where the walls meet a boarded ceiling when only plastering the ceiling to prevent the scrim being visible on the walls.
Do you fix the edge of the scrim tape in line with the walls or cover both ceiling and wall then trim back afterwards ???

Cheers Andy
hi mate ...

cant use scrim tape in this situation...... you after use decorators caulk .... this allows for some movement at the edges..... scrim your board joins as usual and caulk all the edges when the plaster is completely dry.... do it 2 soon and the caulk won't take right cos the moisture gets drawn out of it 2 quick.... hope this helps buddy ;)
if its a reboard chances are there'll be a few gaps around the edge so i'd scrim these gaps to the wall or scrim it to the existing wall and cut it back its upto you and tell the customer to culk the join
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