yeah, in practice... but the theory will say otherwise... like... it'll crack if... etc.... btw 'red brick'.. 'red' is just a colour and 'bricks' can be a massive variation in suction... engineering reds are gonna want exmet... its down to the hardness of the bricks, a real soft brick will suck like a pro, old lbc commons for example but you might find new lbc commons freshly laid will be a different story cos they still got a high moisture content... experience again... im statin the obvious here but it might not be obvious to some... not havin a go at you mate..

in fact a lot of the time it pays to get the hosepipe before you start, in fact a stiff brush before that...
then hose the wall down till its dripping wet.. then lay your scratch on or it'll go off as sson as it leaves the trowel...
thats always old refurb work though... never on new concrete blocks..
the way i learnt to render was small areas, patch up doorways, garage ends that sort of thing...
a big house gable wants experience, scaffold and 3 lads..
and people moan like f'ck when you tell em its 35 quid a metre... let someone else have the job if they moan, wait a month and put a flyer through their door that says 'hack off and re-render 40 quid a metre'